Chapter 9

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Mara's P.O.V.

Coming down the road was a rainbow Lamborghini. The song Ride by:SoMo was blaring as it came down the road. A man that is 6'6 tall, with purple/black hair and crimson eyes got out of the car.

I ran down to him and launched myself into his open arms. He spun me around an then threw me into the air. We laughed when he caught me and then he sat me down. Everyone was looking at us but, Kade looked pissed. I looked at Derek and smirked as we walked over to Kade.

"Everyone but the betas, alphas, Third in Commands, Kings, Queens, prince, Crystal, and my brothers are dismissed." I said and they scampered off. I put my arms around Kade's neck and kissed him. He started to kiss back and Raven started coughing. Kade pulled back and I growled a little. Kade and Derek laughed as I glared at Raven.

"Everyone who doesn't know him this is Derek. He is Alpha of the Daylight pack in Canada." When I said it was Derek John, David, James, Shawn, Kade, dad, and Jeffery groaned. They must not have recognized him. We have done everything together. Only none of it was good. "Derek this is alpha Klaus, Luna Xandra, their daughter Raven, their beta Brent, their Third Scott, these are my bothers Markus and Maximum, that's John's mate Sierra, that's alpha Felix and his third Chris. Where the hell is Jason?"

"Nice to meet everyone. And Jason is only the goddess. knows where."

"Fine be like that I'll just ask my mom." I closed my eyes and took three cleansing breaths. I opened my eyes and there they were. "Moms." Me and Max yelled at the same time. I gave Herma a hug whiled Max gave Nyx a hug.

"Do you know where Jason is at?" I asked. Nyx's gown glowed silver like the moon and Herma's gown glowed gold like the sun.

"He's on his way Princess. Aren't you going to introduce us to your guest?" Herma smiled.

"That is my mate Kade my brothers James, Shawn, John, David, and Markus. Thats John's mate Sierra. That's Dad and uncle Jeffery. Thats Kade's sister Crystal. That's alpha Klaus, Luna Xandra, their daughter Raven, their beta Brent, their Third Scott. that's John's mate Sierra, that's alpha Felix and his third Chris. Oh yeah and those are Queen Rebecca, King Robert, Queen Trisha, and King Ty. That weirdo right there is alpha Derek." I smiled at my moms.

"Everybody this is Goddess Nyx of vampires and Goddess Herma of werewolves. Also known as our moms." Max introduced them proudly. They smiled lightly at them.

"Blessed be, my children." Nyx said to her vampires. "Kade you are the one who rejected my daughter aren't you?" I sighed and shook my head. He lowered his head respectfully.

"Of course not Goddess Nyx. I love your daughter whole and full heartedly." Kade replied. Nyx looked a little embarrassed.

"Nyx don't mess in our daughter's love life mess in our son's. Who is your beloved." Herma asked Max.

"His beloved is James Gomez. When I ran away I wondered on Kade's property and James and Shawn didn't know I was Kade's mate. So they told Kade he couldn't kill me because I was their little sister. Then Eric adopted me. He adopted John and David Smith a few years earlier so I had a family again. But that's also why I was so happy they were mates." I explained.

"When did you become gay, Maximum?" Herma gasped out. Me and Kade started laughing. James stood there with his mouth hanging open. "I'm serious. I want to know, its not like I meant it in a bad way."

"He did do a good job of hiding it. But he's always been gay. Although James thought he was straight until he met Max. Let's go inside and everyone else go out back while I talk to my moms inside." And they all did as I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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