Chapter 1

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"Daddy why does Markus get to be the beta?" I asked as we walked to the lake in the middle of the forest.

"Mara it's because you're a better fighter. He doesn't just fight he plans it out first. You just fight so we chose you to be a warrior." My daddy told me. I jumped in the lake.

"I'll be right back. Have fun." Daddy jogged off into the woods.

"I have a secret to tell you and you can't tell anyone, okay?" I nodded at her. "You are part vampire. You are goddess Nyx's daughter and goddess Hermera. You are a warrior at heart and you will always win. They made you to protect our kind." She kissed me on the forehead.

"Maria, Mara come on and run to the pack, now!!" Dad yelled as he grabbed us pulling us to our feet.

"Jack what's wrong?" Mom asked dad. They were panicking, I could hear it in their voices. Ten rogues surrounded us.

"Daddy, mommy why are they doing this?" I was scared and dad hid me behind him. I heard my bones snap and I fell to the ground crying. Mom was fighting off half of them and dad the other half. The pain stopped and stared again. When it finally stopped I was in human form.

"Mara run go get help." My mom screamed right before a rogue slit her the throat. My dad was bleeding every where. I ran back to the pack house to get alpha Dan.

"Alpha Dan. My mom and daddy were attacked by those rogues. I think they're dead." I cried out. A lot of warriors and alpha Dan ran out to find them.

"You just had to let them get killed didn't you?" Markus yelled and hit me. His friends came in and helped him beat me.

 *flashback ended*

I got dressed in baggy clothes and put my hair in a base ball cap. If they seen that I was pretty they would rape me. I walked up stairs to cook. I sat all the plates of food on the table.

"Stupid omega!" Markus shouted at me. "You better not ruin Felix's party tonight."

"Yes beta Markus. I'll fix the house for it." I rushed off to decorate the house and Markus grabbed me. He punched me in the nose and I fell to the floor. He kicked me until I coughed up blood. I had to get up and decorate and I did.

<Omega bring me some condoms>(<> is mind link). Felix shouted through mind link.

I when to the bathroom and grabbed so for him. I walked to his room. I knocked on the door and he answered it. I looked him in the eyes and my wolf howled 'mate we found mate.'

"You!! How could it be you? You're an Omega and I'm an Alpha. You can't even shift you're a human." He said after he closed the door behind him. So whatever whore wouldn't hear what he had to say. "I, alpha Felix Jones, of the Silver Fang pack, reject you as my mate and future luna, Mara Silverman." He said with a smile on his face.

Then he punched me in the eyes, nose, mouth and any where else he could. I was rolled up in a ball on the floor to protect my self the best I could. Rejections hurt like hell. It felt like my heart was being ripped out of your chest.

"I, Mara Silverman, accept your rejection alpha Felix Jones of the Silver Fang pack." I said and ran to my room (a.k.a. the attic). I grabbed my duffel bag and stuffed my baggy clothes in it. I also grabbed a picture of me, mom, and dad (when we were all smiling) and a locket my dad gave me the day they were killed.

I jumped out of my window it was four stories down. I rolled my ankle. I ran in to the forest as best as I could with a hurt ankle. I ran until it was early the next morning I laid down beside some pond and fell asleep. I woke up with a start. I put on a sports bra, baseball cap, and baggy pants.

Rejected warrior mateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant