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        You woke up from your nightmare screaming. Sweat dripped down your face, and your throat was raw. You had no idea where you were. The only thing you could see was the dark environment around you. The last thing you remembered was falling asleep on the train, but it was very clear that you were no longer on the train to Resembool.

        Your breathing rapidly increased, and you started screaming even more. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a faint pinkish glow. You got up from under some blankets, realizing that you were in someone's bed, and walked over towards the light, although a little clumsily. You feel somewhat funny and fuzzy in your head, and your temple feels like it has a little heartbeat as it throbs like a drum. 

        It wasn't a light. You scream for the third time since you've woken up. It's a ghastly sight. You are staring at your own reflection. Your left eye has turned itself into a homunculi eye, and was glowing faintly. Even with the dim light, you could see a bandage around your head, particularly around your temple.

        Almost as if my dream were real... 

        As your breathing slows down slightly, the glow starts to decrease. Noticing this change, you try and decrease your rapid breathing. Just like you thought, the glow faded to nothing.

        "Okay..." you murmur to yourself, "As long as I keep calm, that should go away..."

        Someone barged into the room through a door to your right, letting light flood into the room. Before you look, you see that your eye is back to normal, and in that split second you sigh with relief. But then the split second is gone and you realize that there is now someone else in the room with you. For a second you stumble as the light overwhelms you, making your head filled with a splintering pain and even more fuzzy than it was before, but then you recover. As a normal reaction to any possibly dangerous encounter, especially now that you are in an unknown place, you clap your hands together, and your automail fingers transform into ten, deadly, sharp, ten inch long knives. 

        "Wah! (Y/N)! It's me Edward! Calm down! You're safe here at Aunt Pinako's. Relax."

        You don't let your guard down. You knew better than to do that, especially after having been raised by Envy for two years before he vanished. When he beat you, in one of his sadistic moods, he would always take the form of someone you knew and cared about. Of course, this ranged from your mother, Alphonse, Edward, Winry, and even sometimes Aunt Pinako. You knew better than to let your guard down.

        You narrowed your eyes at the boy who claimed to be Edward. "Prove it," you spit, venom in your voice.

        "What?" fake-Edward said, his eyes widening, "What do you mean?"

        "Prove your not Envy," you sneer with disgust, "transmute something."

        'Edward's golden orbs changed color, turning into reddish-purple ones, and before long Envy was standing before you.

        Your senses kicked into overdrive, and out of the corner of your eye you saw your eye start to glow again. A purplish-black glow enveloped your automail hands, which still were in the form of deadly claws. A dark shadow cast out all the light in the room, even though the light source from outside the room remained undisturbed and still glowed. Power surged through your veins.

        Envy shrieked and collapsed to the floor. More power entered your body. The glowing of your left eye increased, and you blacked out.

Missing Days (Alphonse Elric x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now