Chapter Eight

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A/N: WOW it's been WAYYYY too long for this update and I apologize deeply for that, and for what the next two chapters are going to put you guys through. 😩😩 but yes I did say two chapters!! It's the least I could do for being a horrible human being. So please vote and leave me feedback about how awful I am. 👌😂 I love you guys, safe reading!

It didn't feel right just walking away so easily. I got in my car and tried to leave, but I couldn't. I knew in my gut something was wrong. My mind was blowing up, my stomach turning.
Something terribly horrible was wrong.
I got back out of my car and ran back up to her apartment building. I ran to her door, and listened.
I heard nothing for a while.
Then I thought I heard a yell. But for a split second.
My heart sank. I started pounding on the door again.
"OLIVIA LET ME IN." I yelled. And if she wasn't going to let me in, I was going to break the door down.

Once he taped my mouth, he looked down at me, with that look in his eye.

"I've been waiting to do this, for so long." He said kissing down my neck, while his hand made it's way down to my core, rubbing me over the cloth.

I felt bile rise in my throat.
This can't be happening.

I arched my back in defense while trying to bring my leg up to get him off of me, but when that didn't work He looked at me and smiled.

"You like it when I do that to you?" He said as he pulled the gun out and put it to my head.

"Now you will do what I tell you. This is the last warning."

I swallowed hard and just nodded. I was going to go along with this, then get him when he's most vulnerable.

"Stand up." He said as he got off me, and started to unzip his pants.

Oh god no.
Please no.

I froze.

"NOW" he yelled, which Snapped me out if it. I slowly got off the bed and stood. Feeling sick to my stomach, he said the line I knew he would.

"Get on your knees."

I slowly dropped to my knees with tears flowing down my face. I couldn't do this.

"Good girl." He said pushing me the rest of the way down, while unzipping his pants.

He was about to expose himself as he stopped in his tracks, hearing Elliot behind my door banging for me to let him in. He grabbed me up by the hair and threw me on the bed, I went to kick him but he grabbed my feet binding them with rope to the end of the bed. My heart was racing, I couldn't breathe. I tried to punch him but He grabbed my arms and pinned them above me cuffing them to my head board. I let out a loud moan as my gunshot wound throbbed. It started oozing blood again, onto the bed.

"I guess it's time for stabler to join the party." He said as he kissed me over the tape, which still made me cringe, with The similar feel of bile rose in my throat.
Bostwick walked out of my bedroom and left the door open where I could still see, From what I could see, through the tears. I could still feel him all over me, his touch, his hands.
I wanted to vomit.
I heard Elliot yell
Then Bostwick unlocked the door and hid behind it. I saw Elliot walk through the door, he saw me and immediately ran towards me.
"LIV." He yelled.
I was trying to scream but the tape muffled it. Before I knew it Elliot was on the ground cold. Bostwick picked up one of the chairs in the living room and sat it right infront of my bed, then walked back out. I started pulling on my restraints trying anything to get out, anything not to not let this happen. But I was powerless.

I felt defeated.

How could I let this happen.

I'm a cop I know how to protect myself.

Or... At least I thought I did....

I felt more tears run down my face. This was all my fault to begin with, maybe I deserved it.

He drug Elliot into the room and placed him in the chair; binding his arms and legs with duct tape. He took his gun and his phone, he sat his phone on the dresser beside the bed. I was yelling at the top of my lungs at him. He looked at me and smiled.

"You know how great it's going to be? For your partner to see you break? And to see me doing all the things he would only dream of doing to you? You are mine Olivia. mine." He said walking over to me, taking out one of the wire hangers and a knife. I felt my heart race when he started to sharpen the hanger.

I was all out of tears. He walked over and kissed me. I yanked away from him, he slapped me, and walked towards Elliot. He was waking up.

"Oh yes. Please wake up so the fun can begin!" Bostwick said as Elliot woke up taking everything in. I couldn't look at him. I was too ashamed.

"You motherfucker. You fucking touch her and I swear to god I will kill you." Elliot yelled.

"Oh? I don't think you are in the right state to say that DETECTIVE." Bostwick spat. "And you mean, like this?" He said walking over to me, I flinched away as he groped me, trying not to let out whimpers, and smacked me after he was finished.

"You. You son of a bitch I swear-" he cut him off, by laughing and walking out of the room, stopping to say something to Elliot.

Elliot made eye contact with me, his eyes got big, then Bostwick left the room.

"Oh god. Liv." He got out with tears streaming down his face.

"Has he been here since you called Cragen?" He asked hesitantly, I nodded, with more tears streaming down my face. I took a deep breath as I heard him taking out pans. I felt my eyes get big. I locked eyes with Elliot, he started to move around and try to break the chair. Anything.


She unlocked the door and I waited for her to open it, but I was cautious. I pushed it open and poked my head through, what I saw made my stomach drop. Her apartment trashed, blood on the floor, and oh god.

I could see her bedroom.
She was tied up, I felt my heart stop.

I ran inside not thinking about anything but getting to her. Before I knew it I felt something collide with my head and blacked out.
I came to taped to a chair in Liv's bedroom. I heard him say something about "let the fun begin." Or something, I looked up and saw Liv. She had been beaten, shot, and bound to her bed in nothing but her undergarments.

"You motherfucker. I will kill you if you touch her I swear to god." I spat at him. I could tear this motherfuckers throat out with my bare hands. He made threats at me and then said "what? Like this?" And walked over to Liv, I was yelling at him, telling him to stop. I could see how scared she was, god knows what he's already done. My heart sank even thinking about the thought. I felt tears whelp up in my eyes.

"You. You son of a bitch I swear-." I managed to get out, he interrupted me laughing and walked out, whispering something to be on the way out.

"I wonder how long it will take for her to scream your name?" He said and walked out.

I swallowed hard, I needed to get my hands free. I needed to do something, I wasn't going to just let this happen to my partner.

Not to Liv.

My heart won't bare it.

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