Chapter Eleven

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A/N: hey guys! I'm the absolute worst at updating and I'm so sorry! This story has taken a mind of its own, soooooo be prepared for what's to come. Thank you guys for staying with this story. And thank you for the reviews! I love and appreciate you guys! I would say "happy reading" but... Well you'll see.

He got off her, tied her legs back together and walked back into the living room. I was beyond disgusted. Beyond outraged. Beyond any other feeling I've ever felt. I couldn't explain my emotions. I was crying. Crying harder than I've ever cried before.

He just raped my partner.

Right in front of me.

She was being tortured and raped and I couldn't help her. I couldn't do anything. I was powerless, for the first time in my life, I couldn't help my partner.

This isn't real. This is a dream, I am asleep on my desk at work and Cragen is going to tell me to get my ass up any minute. None of this is real.
This is all just a dream.
A nightmare.

I could hear her moaning in her sleep, her face disgusted and twisted. Tears, even though she's sleeping.

And I can't help. I want to help so bad. More than anything I would help... I couldn't deal with being tied to this chair any longer. I needed to take charge, I felt so... So... Goddamn useless!! What kind of partner just sits while his partner is being raped!? I want to kill this motherfucker.

I will kill him.
After what he's done.
He isn't getting out of here alive. Even if that meant I wouldn't either.


My eyes forced themselves open, as I continued to stare at the celling. My body was cold and numb. I was still fully exposed, I took a deep breath when I realized I wasn't dreaming anymore. I heard something break, and flinched. I looked up too see Elliot busting his hand though the wooden chair as he got his hand lose, and went for his legs and other hand.

Am I still dreaming?

He ran over and covered me up, with tears running down his face.

"Liv I am so sorry." He said looking afraid to touch me,

"Don't leave" Was all I managed to get out, my eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"I wont leave you, but im going to untie you okay? Im going to try not to hurt you..." He said taking my cuffs off, looking up at my dresser gabbing my phone.

"Call Cragen, I'm going to see if I can subdue him." Elliot whispered to me as he handed me my phone and walked slowly into the living room. I dialed cragens number fast, sitting it on the dresser beside my bed. I leaned up, ignoring my body's protests, as I undid my legs, when I heard Cragen answer the phone.

"Olivia?" He said as he answered the phone. I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Cragen" I tried to yell but it only came out a whisper, and raspy. It hurt to talk.

"Olivia!?" He yelled.

I grabbed the phone moaning in pain as I fell off the bed while doing so.
I clinched the phone in my hand as my head made contact with the floor once again.

"Cragen send help. I need help." I pleaded as I took an extra pair of underwear and a big shirt out of my dresser, putting them on.

"Oh god." I heard him whisper and then I heard him start yelling instructions to the others.

"Olivia are you still at your apartment?" He asked showing no sign of hiding how scared he was.

"Yes. It's bostwick. I need a medic.. Please hurry.. I don't know how long Elliot can keep him-" I was cut in the middle of my sentence as bostwick came storming into the room, I slid my phone under my dresser out of sight.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH." He yelled as he grabbed my by my hair and pulled me up.

"STOP!" I yelled As he punched me, throwing me to the ground again, pushing me onto my stomach, sitting on top of me. He leaned down,

"Elliot's not going to be joining us for a while." He said, as he undid his belt and his pants once more.

"Please don't. Not again please!" I begged.

"You can keep your clothes this time." He said, ripping off my underwear I had just put on. I could feel him up against me, on the inside of my thigh. I couldn't let this happen again. I wouldn't be able to take it.
I threw my elbow back and knocked him in the nose. He fell backwards and into his back. Clutching his face.

"IM SENDING HELP OLIVIA JUST HANG IN THERE." I heard cragens voice, it was very faint, but I heard it.

I stood up with shaking legs, as I kicked him in the face. Knocking his head to the side with a crack. He snickered. Looking over at me and smiling.

"You can't stop me." He said, as if he could read my mind.

I kicked him again, in the same spot knocking him out or I thought I did...I collapsed onto the ground, pain was pushing it's way through my veins. I looked over as I heard him whispering.

"You aren't getting out alive, ms. Benson."

He got back up, picking me up by the throat, slamming me up against the wall, shards of glass going into my back from smashing the small lamp on my bedside table. I tried everything, but I was so tired, all my energy was drained. His hands squeezed harder around my neck, the corners of my vision got dark as I felt him punch me in the stomach. I felt my head collide with the floor.

I heard a loud bang

Then darkness.

"Olivia please stay awake." I heard him beg, I opened my eyes. He was carrying me to the living room and sat me on the couch. Pain radiating from my chest.

Did he shoot me?

"I called Cragen... The phone still in the... The bedroom." I said through breaths. I couldn't get a full breath of air. Elliot was applying pressure to my right side, blood was oozing down the front of my white shirt. I looked at him in the eyes, tears streaming down them.

I didn't see Elliot leave, I must have blacked out, I started hearing police sirens. I swallowed hard realizing everyone in the precinct was going to see me like this.
It hurt to breathe, it hurt to move. It hurt. Everywhere.

Fear washed over me.

I heard yelling, it was Bostwick. He was yelling something at Elliot. But Elliot wasn't talking.

I was scared. What if he did something to Elliot and he comes back in here?

Before I could blink I was on his shoulders, he was running out down the fire escape carrying me with him, I was thrown into the trunk of a car and everything went black. I heard the car start and felt it take off.

I was jolted awake in pain, as he once again threw me over his shoulder. I tried looking around at my surroundings.

How long was I out?
How long did he drive?

Everything was woods and the sun was setting. I swallowed hard, it's gotta be almost 7:00pm. That means I've been in the trunk of that car all day.

How much blood have I lost?

I felt myself become lightheaded as we came up to this abandoned building.

I looked down at him, he was covered in blood.

My blood.

We got inside this place, it was warm. I could hear a fire going. He set me down on this couch type thing. He kept the gun pointed at me.

"I've got to do something about that wound." He said, taking a kitchen knife, and putting it into the fire.

God no.

He looked over at me and smiled, "what? Baby girl don't like fire?"

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