Chapter Two

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Hey guys! So I hope you are liking my new story so far. I've been working on it for a while. But this update will probably be the last one until September. But if I have time maybe before then. I love you guys so much and thank you so much for reading!

I jumped out of bed,

"Elliot, are you sure?" I said grabbing some pants, struggling to get them on, precariously holding the phone between my shoulder.

"Yes, we are almost positive. Same details, rape and tortured for hours. But this time, we found her..."

He paused,

"Where...?" I questioned, thinking of all possible ways.

"Drowned, in the bathtub." He said sighing.

"Oh god..." I said breathlessly, swallowing hard.

I fought to find a shirt that was clean, I had been so busy lately I hadn't had time to do my laundry. I just grabbed the one I had on today and threw it on.

"Alright I'll be down in ten." I said.

"Be careful Liv, see you when you get here." He said, sounding worried and tired.

I brushed my hair out, and brushed my teeth, and stepped into my shoes. I grabbed my purse and started walking towards the door. I stopped when I got to the door, looked around to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything, unlocked my door walked out and shut it behind me. I started walking down the hall and down all the stairs. I got down to the street, it was even colder than it was a few hours ago. Struggling to keep warm, I continued to walk as fast as I could down the street. Seeing my breath fall behind me, disappearing, looking around being alert if the things around me. I finally arrived at the precinct, and Elliot was walking out. He looked distraught.

"El!" I yelled running over to him.

"Hey Liv. How'd you sleep?" He said, looking happy to see me.

"Well with the hours I actually got, pretty good, what about you?"

"I didn't sleep. I got home, and then got the call."

"Oh, but you left before me, what where you doing?" I asked confused.

"Kathy and I were fighting..." he said,

"Alright, let's go..." he added trying to dodge the conversation, so I didn't bring it back up. If he really wanted to talk to me about it, he would. I knew him and his wife Kathy were having problems, but not this bad.

We got in the car, and drove in silence, when we arrived, police were everywhere. We got out, and showed our badges, and walked right through. I looked at Elliot, he didn't look good, and it was beginning to worry me. I stopped him before we went into the apartment.

"Elliot, are you alright?" I asked, looking him deep in the eyes.

He looked at me, and stuttered for a moment.

"It's just... She... She just looks a lot like Kathleen... it's hard for me to go back in..."

I paused, thinking about how hard it would have been for him seeing this girl that looks like his daughter in this situation.

"You don't have to go back in." I said hearing the hurt in his voice,

"Elliot, I understand completely. Just take a few minutes, and I'll be right out. Then we'll talk." I said, he looked at me and smiled a weak smile.

"Thanks Liv. I'll be in the car." He said looking down, grabbing at his phone that was ringing. "Stabler-" he said walking off.

I took a deep breath preparing myself for the scene I was about to witness. I walked into the apartment and saw Detective Fin and Munch.

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