Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: I'm just going to start with how sorry I am for not updating sooner. I was out of town. But, here we are. Read at your own risk. Extreme emotion lies ahead. Hope you guys enjoy. Feedback is always great! Thanks you guys!

I could taste the blood, that had trickled from my nose. And probably from the rest of my busted face.
It's like he was taunting me. He had thrown me on the bed, then walked out, locking the door behind him. Which made it completely dark and I was unable to see. But I could hear cars, or maybe that was my mind playing tricks on me. It seemed like he was gone for over 2 hours, or 5 minutes.

Who knows.

I hadn't gotten control of my body yet, but I could move my hand and arm a little. I couldn't help to think about what he was planning. I kept going through all the cases I had worked on this past month and a half. He never let his victims out alive. He made it a point.

The odds weren't in my favor.

But, he did save me from dying. Why? Why me?
I closed my eyes for what felt like a brief second and woke up to noises in the house.
Had he brought over people!? Who!?

"Where is she?" A man asked, almost sounding familiar, I felt myself tense up. As I sat up in a rush.

Then I realized whatever he gave me had fully warn off, I stood up and fumbled around the bed. Trying to find something to protect myself with. Every time I moved my legs I felt my burns scraping against each other. Which helped me move faster, I didn't want to die here.

I wasn't going to die here.

I eventually came up on a lamp, and tried turning it on, the bulb flashed then went out.


I tried being quiet as I began to look around the room once more, as I came upon a metal bar. This would work perfectly. I walked towards the door, I could see the light pooling out from underneath the bottom cracks.

"Last door to the left. She should still be out. you payed for an hour and a half. I'll leave the house in case you want to try different places. Call me if you need me." I heard him say.

My heart sank.

He was sicker than I thought.

I heard the doorknob start turning as I tightened my grip on the metal bar, holding it high above my head.

The door slowly opened, as I started getting more nervous. What if I miss? What if he just decides to shoot me?

I swallowed hard as I put all my strength into swinging it down, "LIV N-" he yelled before he hit the floor.

I dropped the bar quickly. Hearing nothing but the clinging of it falling to the ground. I brought my hands up to my mouth.


So much blood.

I fell to my knees, as tears fell from my eyes.

"John... I-"


We got a hit from the cabin, it was abandoned a few years back. The guy who owned it had died and left it to his son, who never used it. So it was pretty much considered abandoned. I had to, pretty much, beg Cragen to let me go and investigate.

"If it will get you off my ass, go!" Were his words exactly. So off I went.

"Stabler, before you leave I found out a little bit more about this sick MF." Fin said as he called me over.

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