Chapter five

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A/N: eyyy guys sorry for the wait! But here's the next chapter! Thanks for reading and staying with this story! I hope you guys enjoy!

*contains some graphic details so read at your own risk*

I woke up, feeling really uneasy. I sat up, running my hands through my hair. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I got up out of the bed and walked to my bathroom, turning when I remembered the window being open, suddenly hands wrapped around my neck pushing me into the wall. I turned to elbow the person right in the nose, their hands released from around my neck. then when I went to take another punch the person grabbed my arm and twisted it, pushing me back up against the wall. They Grabbed my hair and kept slamming my head into the wall. I felt the person drag me over to my bed and throw me down into it. My instinct was to hit, as My fist collided with something and the person let out a grunt. I jumped out of my bed, almost falling, struggling to stand up. The room was circling as I tried to regain focus from all the head slams. I stood up and ran out of my bedroom, running down the hall, trying to remember where I put my phone.
I felt something grab my hair, and pull me to the ground. I screamed in pain, as I fell back first on to the hardwood floor, hitting my head hard. He stood over me, with blood dripping from his nose. I smirked on the inside, with satisfaction running through my veins.

Swallowing it down quickly,

realizing it was him.

Marshall bostwick.

In my apartment.

Attacking me.

I brought my knee up, hitting him hard in the groin. He let out a moan as I tried getting up quickly, everything went dizzy as I tried to stand. I couldn't see anything. Before I could even take two steps, he grabbed me from behind, dragging me backwards. I started screaming at the top of my lungs.

"HELP ME!!! HELP ME!!!" Hoping my neighbors would hear me.

"Shut your fucking mouth." I heard him whisper in my ear, while putting as much pressure on one of the main pressure points in my neck, I fell to the ground in agony. He kicked me about three times in the stomach, as pain riffled through my body. I struggled to keep my screams in. I moved just in time, avoiding a hard kick to my face. As I stood fast, though the pain was telling me otherwise, I grabbed a vase and threw it at him. It hit him in the side of the face, making him fall to the ground. He yelled and cursed as he slowly came to his feet, with pure rage in his eyes. With blood streaming down his brow bone, he looked at me and said
"You're going to get it." As he smiled, the room went silent for a second as it seemed time was standing still.
I didn't wasted anymore time as I started running for the bedroom, remembering I put my gun on the bedside table. I ran in and slammed the door behind me, locking it, seconds after he slammed into it a couple times, everything went quiet.

I heard him say calmly,

"I know what you're looking for." His voice raspy and out of breath.

I continued to search, but I couldn't find my gun, fear ran through me, knowing the worst.
He started scraping the gun across the back of the  door, proving what I thought was true. He began to laugh.

"You know what's even funnier?" He said snickering.

"I grabbed your phone too." He said busting into laughter.

My heart sank, I began to freak out. I looked over and saw the fire escape.


I ran over, opening the window as fast as I could. I heard him trying to get in the room, I could hear the door start to give way. I didn't even have the window open enough to climb through. I forgot how hard it was to get this thing open.

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