What To Expect When You're Expecting (Chloe x Max x Rachel)

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   (Amberpricefield baby? Amberpricefield baby.)

   Max groans, slumped down on the couch, giant eight-and-a-half-month pregnant stomach raised high in the air. She's so sick of this, honestly, but it's nice to be having a baby with Chloe.

   (They had talked about this before, and Rachel would carry the next baby. Max is carrying Chloe's egg.)

   Across the room is Rachel sitting alone on the loveseat, flipping through a magazine. "Are you okay, Maximus Prime?" She asks.

   Max groans again.

   Chloe then breezes into the room, three beer bottles in her hands. She frowns, sensing the mood.

   "Something wrong?"

   Max glares at her. "I'll tell you what; your baby won't stop kicking me. I just want to take a nap and watch Dirty Dancing, but it keeps kick-kick-kicking. . .I wish I could rewind and make Rachel carry your baby."

   Chloe flinches and turns to Rachel, who chuckles. "Pregnancy hormones!" She says in a sing-song voice.

   "Seriously though, what if the baby gets time-travel powers too?" She worries.

   Max rolls her eyes. "It's not my egg. Idiot."

   Rachel smiles and shrugs. "She's not having the best time right now."

   "I get that. Max, want a beer?"

   "You imbecile, she's pregnant."

   Chloe falls silent for a second. "Um. . .Rachel, do you want two beers?"

   She chuckles. "Sure."

   Chloe hands the two bottles to Rachel and sits down next to her. Rachel cracks one open and sets the other one off to the side for a little later.

   Max glares at her partners. "Well, I'm glad you two are so happy while I'm miserable over here."

   "Maybe we're just jealous of your maternity leave from work." Chloe hums.

   "Well, it's not like it's a vacation," Max tries to sit up but fails, "Fuck."

   Rachel snorts. "It's not much longer, Max. You've got this."

   "Fuck you, Rachel."

   "Oh, Max, darling," The blonde smirks, "You know I'd much rather fuck you than let you fuck me. Perhaps for your birthday than to both of us-"

   "Stop," The brunette huffs, "And someone better come rub my swollen feet before I rewind you both out of existence."


   "No, I have the right to be cranky. . .Someone carry me to the bedroom. I'm tired."

   "I thought you wanted someone to rub-"




   Chloe smiles as her non-pregnant partner kisses her cheek, down her jawline, and then suck on her neck gently.

   Max comes waddling out of the bedroom with a bemused expression on her face. "Glad to see you two are having fun without me."

  Chloe rolls her eyes. "You are always welcome to join us."

"Yeah, I know, I guess. Anyways just wanted to tell you that I think I'm in labour. . .Okay, I'm going back to bed."

Chloe's head shoots up. "What?"

Max groans. "I said I think I'm in labour. Relax; the contractions are like ten minutes apart. I have time for a nap. Besides, it's probably false labour. No need to worry."


"Okay, bye. . ." The brunette waves half-heartedly as she shuffles back into the bedroom.

Chloe and Rachel exchange horrified looks. In an instant, they are on their feet, running after Max into the bedroom.

"What do you mean you think you're in labour?!" Rachel demands.

Max yawns, giving her partners a blank look. "It means our baby might come super soon, but probably not 'cuz it's probably false labour. . .Can I go back to sleep?"

"Absolutely not!" Chloe roars, "Not until we figure out what's going on here. Rachel, start timing the contractions."


"On it!"

"I'm going to go call the doctor."



"False labour, huh?" Chloe teases, holding tight to Max's hand as the three of them sit in her hospital room.

Rachel rolls her eyes at her. "Chloe now is really not the time." She scolds.

Max groans and squeezes Chloe's hand tighter as another contraction rips through her body. Once it passes, Rachel checks her watch.

"Okay, that's two minutes three times now. I'm going to call for the doctor and get you rolling into the delivery room." She sighs, reaching forward and hitting the call button.

"Noooo. . ." Max groans.

Chloe looks at her, eyes full of concern. "Why not, darling?"

"It's going to hurt even more; I won't be able to handle it."

"No, you can do it, Max. Rachel and I will be right there with you the entire time. You're like, hella strong; you can handle anything, yeah? You've got this!"

The brunette throws her head back and groans as the doctor enters the room.

"Step aside, Miss Amber; I need to check how far Miss Caulfield is dilated."


   Max stares in awe at the tiny human nestled in her arms. 

   "M-My, daughter." Chloe murmurs, leaning over her shoulder.

   Max smiles at her partners. "Our daughter." She corrects.

   The nurse waiting at the end of her bed smiles. She would have to take the child away for a while since it's still kind of premature, but it initially seemed healthy, so they were giving the new parents a moment with the child.

   "Do we have a name for the baby?" She asks kindly.

   Max smiles. "Katharine 'Kate' Elisabeth Amber."

   Rachel looks up. "We had a friend called Kate who left this world far too soon."

   The nurse hums approvingly. "Such a sweet gesture; thanks for sharing that with me. I'm sure your Kate appreciates it," She takes a couple of steps forward, holding out her arms, "May I? Your doctor is waiting to examine her. Don't worry; she'll be fine."

   The new parents are extremely reluctant to give up their child but do it anyway.

   "Katharine will be back before you know it," She promises, "Get some rest. You have a lot of sleepless nights ahead of you!"

   And then the nurse turns and leaves; the small child nestled carefully in her arms.

   Max smiles tiredly and shuts her eyes.

   "That's it, get some rest." Rachel encourages.

   "We'll be right here for when you wake up."

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