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"danny, are you coming with?" My brother turned and looked at me. He had his bag around his shoulder and wore an impatient expression on his face.

"No, I think I'll go check out my new room first." I assured him. "you go have fun without me."

"if you say so." he shrugged. "where's your room again? maybe I'll drop by."

"uhh" I searched my black jacket for the folded up paper. "uh it says i'm in building number 3, room 2A."

"okay, good luck." My brother nodded at my direction before walking off to god knows where.

I turned my attention to the giant pole that had multiple papers plastered all over it. It had directions of the entire campus glued onto it. I searched for the buildings, which just happened to be at the other side of the entire school. what great luck I had.

rolling my two luggages , I went to the journey of finding my dorm room. As you can probably guess, this was my first day at this school. BCA was what they called it, Barcelona Catalan Academy. Home of the cules, one of the best schools in the entire world. At least that's what my brother kept telling me.

My twin brother, Luis got a scholarship to play football at this school and my parents didn't find it fair allowing him to go and separating us, so here I  was shipped here against my own will, but to be fair I knew that I couldn't ever face an entire year of school without my dear brother. everywhere he went, I followed. He was my best friend. We were like two peas in a pod.

I sighed in relief as I finally reached the building. now I just needed to find my dorm and then I could finally rest, after that long flight from Mereyside, England to Barcelona, Spain.

2A was the first door in the corner of the second floor. I fished in my jacket once again and pulled out the silver key. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

the room was simple. but there was two beds. each bed had a night stand beside it and two wooden closets and there was a huge desk with two chairs behind it.

"great." I said to myself. "I have a roommate." having a roommate was one thing I dreaded most. Before coming here I made my parents ask the admissions office if they could give me singular room. Obviously they declined.

just the thought of living with some stranger irked me, I most definitely didn't feel comfortable living with a complete stranger. I decided to take the opportunity of being the first person there and get to choose my bed, hopefully the roommate was at least kind enough to keep to herself, nothing more worse than a roommate that was always in someone's business. I remembered the one I had while I was in Liverpool.  Talk about a nutcase, I remembered the joy I felt when I finally left that place and was never to see her again.

I ended up picking the bed farthest from the door to the other side. I was dead tired and wanted nothing more than to have a good rest before I had all the crazy things to do tomorrow. I pulled out my phone to look at the time. It was only 5:28.

"what the hell?"

I turned around to face the door and there stood a dark haired boy in the room. Behind him stood 3 boys snickering to themselves.

"can I help you?" I asked.

"yeah, what are you doing in my room?" he snarled.

"your room? Excuse me but this is my room." I pulled out the white paper and stuffed it in his face showing him the descriptions of my room.

He snatched the paper and scanned it. He let out a unattractive groan, which meant that I was right and this was indeed my room.



"my dorm advisor said that I was going to have some guy named danny not a girl." I groaned, balling the paper in my palms. I was not supposed to have a girl, I was supposed to have a super cool guy named Danny. That's what the advisors said.

"yeah, i'm Danny short for Daniela" she said. Wow. You had one job main office, one freaking job.

"nice one leo, you've got a girl for a roommate, I am jealous." My friend Gerrard snickered.

"yeah no, we're going to change this right now." Daniela rolled her eyes.

"unbelievable, first I get my position taken away from me by some new Suaréz guy and now I have a female roomate." I frowned.

"to clarify things, you're getting your spot taken by the best footballer ever, Luis Suaréz and you're speaking to his twin sister right here, yeah hi i'm Daniela Suaréz." She flashed me a small.

great, I thought. just what I needed, not only is Suaréz ruining my life but he's got his sister in on it too.


middle of nowhere // l. messiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें