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I ran into my calculus thinking I was late only to find about 3 people in the class. I found out the class didn't start till 9:40 and it was only 9:35. 

I didn't know where to sit and since it was the first day I thought I'd try and find a seat in the middle where it's not too close to the front but not in the back either. 

9:40 the bell rang and the teacher appeared infront of the class. Before a word came out of her mouth the door opened abruptly and a boy ran in out of breath. 

"Ahh, So kind of you to join us Señor Santos" Said the teacher to the boy. 

"yeah yeah, hola señora "  He waved her off and continued into the rows of desk. The only seat available just happened to be behind me. I watched him stride past me and his smell chasing after him. He did smell good. 

He was handsome. Maybe this positive outweighed the negative of Lionel Messi. I just hoped and prayed he and I did not share any classes. It was bad enough I had to live with him but share a class with him? I'd die. 

this morning he took up the bathroom for an hour. How long did it take for him to shower and brush his teeth. It wasn't like he needed to put on makeup or anything. he's a boy. 

A tap on my shoulder took me out of my train of thought. I turned around to see the boy looking at me expectedly. 

"Can you pass the papers back?" He asked. 

"oh" I looked back down at the Papers on my desk. "sorry"

"no worries, it's like Mrs. Martinez to bore you on the first day." He chuckled. I handed the paper back and I looked back down at the paper. 

"uhm what are we supposed to do with it?" I asked, I was embarrassed that I dozed off on my first day and forgot about this class. 

"it's just problems on what we know so far and what we remembered last year from pre-calc." He replied. "You're new here aren't you? I've never seen your face around here. Trust me, I'd remember your face for sure." 

"yeah," My cheeks began to heat up. "I just moved here from Liverpool." 

"you don't seem english?" He said. 

"I'm originally from Uruguay." I answered 

"That makes sense- uh the w radius = 180 degrees" he quickly changed the subject as the teacher walked by us. "Hola Mrs. Martinez, just helping the new student out." 

She held her nose up and walked past us. "What about you?" I asked him. "Are you from Barcelona?"

"Nah, Brazil." He smiled at me. "I'm Neymar by the way."

"I'm Daniela" I return the smile. "It's nice to finally make a friend here"

"People here aren't that bad." He laughed. 

"My roommate is awful, the worst person in the entire planet." I said suddenly angry at the thought of Lionel once again. 


"Welcome to Modern Literature." The teacher welcomed us as we all filed into the classroom. I found a great seat right besides this blonde girl. She smiled at me when I sat next to her so I knew she'd be friendly. 

oh god no. 

Lionel Messi and his gang of jerk twats walked into the class like they owned the school. He walked ahead of them as if he was higher than everyone else with the jerk smirk plastered on his face. The taller one that I recognized from yesterday eyes lit up with glee once as his eyes flickered over at me. He waved enthusiastically. I was actually surprised he remembered who I was. I shyly waved back at him. 

"Hola Geri" The blonde girl from besides me waved back. 

oh my- 

the wave wasn't for me. I felt highly embarrassed. 

I slid back to my seat and kept my head down not daring to look up at Lionel and his little gang. this class was going to be a long one. 

I learned immediately within the first 10 minutes that Gerard (the guy who I thought was waving at me) was the trouble maker and class clown. Lionel on the other hand (I don't know how) he was the teacher's favorite. Actually let me change that, he was the class favorite. He could do no wrong in his peers eyes as well as the teacher. Andres was the most intelligent boy I have ever witnessed. He could asked the teacher if he could pee on her desk and it would sound elegant leaving his mouth. 

Shakira, The blonde girl whom I sat next to, She was also intelligent everyone liked her as well. Gerard liked her alittle too much. I think they were dating. 


Shakira was popular. Mighty popular. I realized that when she invited me to have lunch with her once lunch came around. Everyone would oggle at her and stare. Everyone said hi to her or smiled. Her table were full of girls all just as gorgeous as she was. It was actually kind of bad how I stood out. 

"hey Shak, who is this?" A brunette asked. 

Shakira wrapped her arms around my shoulder, squeezing it and smiling. "This is Daniela, she's new here. Daniela this is Antonella, Sofia, Jess and Michelle." 

"Hi" I waved at them shyly. Before I could sit a bunch of guys walked past us. A few I recognized as Andres, Gerard and of course Lionel. 

Gerard gave Shakira a kiss on the cheek. "hola amor. You look muy muy delicioso." 

"Geri stop. We're in public." She fought the urge to stop smiling. They were cute. 

"I'll see you tonight yeah?" He asked, His eyes stopped at me then recognition came across his face. "Hey aren't you-"

"In your modern Literature class? yeah" I answered before he said anything. I felt like these girls liked to gossip and if they found out that Lionel and I shared a room- oh boy they H word would for sure be going around. 

Lionel wore that godawful smirk on his face like he held something against me and I knew he was going to mention something about this tonight. 

"OK? i'll see you guys later" Gerard said, walking away with his friends. 

I sat down besides Shakira and put my tray of lunch down. I looked at the girls taking each their faces in so I did not forget their names. 

"So Antonella,  what happened with you and Leo over the summer?" Sofia asked. "I thought you guys were so in love before school ended."

Antonella and Lionel? really? I don't see it.

Antonella shrugged taking a bite of her apple. "I don't know, I thought he was the one but I guess we were rushing too soon and getting too serious so we took a break and then he started hooking up with this madrid puta and so I just broke it off for good and now he's dating Mia."

Wow what a dick. 

"I'm sorry" I spoke, she looked with an expression like she was just realizing I was alive for the first time. "My ex cheated on me with my best friend at the time last year, can't trust boys." 

"really? that's terrible." Antonella put her hands on her mouth. 

I shrugged not really liking this new attention of all the eyes on me. "yeah well you hear those types of things and never think it'll happen to you and then it does." 

I found myself opening up to them immediately telling them of my boyfriend from Liverpool who was going behind my back with my best friend. 


A/N: So I really like this story. Probably more than anyone so its ok I'm my own number 1 fan. haha tell me what you guys think though. 

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