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the week after the dance I grew more confused then ever. did i have feelings for lionel? if so what type of feelings were they and what did it mean for my feelings for Neymar because certainly you couldn't have feelings for more then one person or could you? Who knows I've never felt for more then one guy before.

Lionel also acted strangely around me. He no longer teased me, he was kind to me. He even put the toilet seat down, once.

I was going to go support them today after school. They had a big game against another Madrid rival, Atletico de Madrid academy. This game was important to everyone seemed to be much more important then the real madrid game.

I sat with Shak and Sofi at the usual spot for lunch. Anto and the rest were God knows where.

"so Geri and this hoe Mia were sitting outside the main hall this morning and her hands were all over him." Shak revealed to us. "I don't know what she wants but Geri is definitely not going to be it, over his dead body would I let her hook up with him."

"Geri loves you, he would never." Sofi said.

"what is wrong with her. Her and Lionel barely broke up a week ago and she's already throwing herself at another guy." I said. Girls like her were disgusting.

"enough on my drama, how are you and Luis?" Shak grinned at Sofi.

She turned red at the mention of my brother. "I was waiting till later to tell you guys when we were all together but he asked me to be his girlfriend last nignt."

"aw really?" I exclaimed. "That's awesome." I've never really been friends with my brothers girlfriends before.

"he was so sweet. He took me out for a picnic under the moonlight and he bought me roses" she gushed.

"My brother? Luis Suarez did that." I asked in utter shock. My brother was about as romantic as a toy train.

"yes, it was all too lovely really." She smiled.

"damn, I didn't know he was like that and I've known him since we were in the womb" I said.

"he's so cute and funny." She said dazily. "how are you and neymar?"

"Eh" I replied.

"Eh?" Shak asked. "What does eh mean?"

"Means I'm not sure about him anymore." I said.

"what do you mean you're not sure? You're not sure if you like him anymore or you like someone new and you're not sure who to pick" Shak asked.

My eyes widened. How the hell did she know my position.

"I'm just not sure." I didn't know if I should mention Lionel or not because then they'll tell Antonella and we all remembered how she was when she thought me and Lionel were a thing now that she will know for sure I don't know how she would react.

"so who's the guy you like?" Sofi asked.

"What makes you so sure there's another guy?" I looked down at my nails not wanting to make eye contact.

"Last weekb you were practically kissing the grounds the boy walked on. You looked like a love sick puppy. Neymar this Neymar that. There's no way you for over that unless another guy was involved so who?" Shak asked. Wow she was very observant.

I bit the inside of my cheek. I signed raising my eyes to look at them. "Fine, but you cannot and I mean cannot get mad at me or tell anyone else that includes the other girls and your boyfriends especially my brother."

"We won't get mad unless its one of our boyfriend's excluding your brother which means just geri unless you rock that incest way" Shak replied.

I looked at her disgusted. "Ew gross definitely not my brother and not Geri. It's actually Lionel." I said.

Sofi gasped dramatically. "wow really? We knew all along."

Shak nodded. "Well we didn't known but we suspected. There's no way a girl and a boy can just be around eachother all the time like that and feelings not get involved."

"Please don't tell anyone especially Anto." I said. "I don't want her to hate me."

"she won't hate you" Shak replied. "For long"

"hopefully I figure out how I truly feel so I can purposefully seek the right guy. But that's the thing how do you know who's the right guy?" I asked them.

Sofi leaned forward grinning. "Simple if he makes your tummy all warm and makes your heart beat he's the one"

That wasn't as simple as it sounded. it was much harder. "Its not that simple. I feel for them both"

"then give them the boyfriend test" Shak said. "whoever passes and has the most points wins your hand"

Now she was talking. "how does it look?" I turned my entire attnetion towards shakira.

middle of nowhere // l. messiWhere stories live. Discover now