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Daniela don't do it..

you're going to make a fool of yourself..

I did it. 

I turned around and almost immediately his hazel eyes looked up and met my brown. 

"ehm, I don't understand this.." I lied. 

I understood this perfectly...I just wanted him to talk to me or just look at his eyes whichever was fine for me really. 

"for this question I got cos of 20" I looked at him. goodness he was beautiful 

He ran his tongue of his lips. "uh no, it's actually 1/2 cos of 20 = 40" He said.

"Oh thank you." I smiled, hopefully he didn't think I was a dummy. All these times I made fun of girls who acted like total dummies just for the attention of a guy and here I was being one of them. 

"If you need any more help, I could swing by your room later." He smiled, 

erm my room. "how about I come to yours, my room is still not made up." Which wasn't a lie, I hadn't had time to put up any of my decorations or posters that I had brought with me. I was ready to fight Lionel if he had any disagreements. 

"alright, building 3 room 3B" He says not noticing my nervousness. "7 okay?" 

"sure" I replied.


"what is that?" 

I turned around to see a open mouthed Lionel with shorts, t shirt on and a black bag around his shoulders. His entire face was sweaty, he must of came back from practice. 

"Oh lionel meet Frederico Diaz." I motioned towards my poster on the wall of the hot shirtless man. He looked around the room. 

"NO!" He said. 

"No what?" 

"No, this has to go." He shook his head throwing his bag on the floor. "I'm going to shower by the time I get back this should be gone." 

"you're not my dad, so no." I crossed my arms looking at him. "I swear if you touch any of my stuff, I'm throwing my red socks in your wash and I hope all your white clothes turn pink" 

I had approximately 35 minutes before I had to get to Neymar's room- not that I was counting or anything.  

"you're so childish." He muttered under his breath as if I wasn't going to hear that.

"Lionel, you have a picture of Adriana Lima right there." I pointed at the poster of the Brazilian model in bikini. "Atleast Frederico has clothes on." 


"why don't you go hurry up and shower so I could use the bathroom." I glared at him. 

a smirk played on his lips. "Where are you going at this time?" 

"what makes you think I am going somewhere"

"I don't know, maybe because you are rushing me." He shrugged. "Must be in a hurry to be somewhere. Probably not with a guy though, from what I can see you are very awkward."

"I am not awkward." I shot backed rather too quickly which wasn't helping my case.

"okay." He walked past me. "And don't rush me, I take my time. " 


Lionel the douchebag Messi took his sweet sweet time getting out of the shower. 

"I have to rinse and repeat, hair like this doesn't just come out of nowhere. You must take good care of beauty or else you're destined to be ugly." Was his excuse. His ego was bigger than his entire body plus mine. 

I arrived at Neymar's at 7:19 which was crazy because he was just upstairs from our room. He opened the door and my lungs suddenly forgot how to work. I didn't know how to breath. He stood in front of me shirtless looking like the greek god Apollo. His abs nearly blinded me. To make things short, he looked good. 

"Hey, didn't think you'd come." He opened the door wider for me. 

"yeah, my roommates kind of an asshole, they took forever in the bathroom." I sighed walking inside. 

"Haha girls are crazy like that." He grins. "My roommate is kind of crazy too, he's out with his girlfriend at the moment."

girls. right.

"anyways, I've brought the homework maybe we could work on that." I slipped my backpack off sitting on the empty chair. 

"I ordered Pizza, so hopefully you like that." He says sitting on the chair besides me.

He sat so close our arms brushed eachtime I went to get my things out of my backpack. I pretended to get out multiple things just for that reason.

Tonight was definitely going to be a good one.


A/N: neyniela? I ship it haha

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