Holy! Child! Don't give me a heart attack!

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UA staff group:

Mic: Okay so we left the cinnamon bun with RG.

Aizawa: why didn't you let me take him with me?

Midnight: One word: Bakugo

All Might: He also doesn't know what happened to him and they two know each other since they were small.

Hound Dog: Not a good combination. Did anyone explain the circumstances to him?

Mic: I didn't.

All Might: We told him that his mother died.

Aizawa: freaking gave me a heart attack after that

Nezu: I assume the news about a child that jumped in front of a truck is true.

Thirteen: He what?

Snipe: What?

Power Loader: How?

Aizawa: opened the damn car door and just jumped

Mic: Is that why you brought him in wrapped up in your scarg and then sleep right nect to him?

Midnight: Dadawa for the win!

Cementoss: How did you know about it Nezu?

Nezu: Ohhh I know everything.

Thirteen: Found the article!

Thirteen: https://news.jp/kid_jumps_in_front_of_truck_hobo_man_savior


Mic: HoboMan lol Sho... I don't think they know that you are a hero.

Aizawa: whatever

Snipe: Did he really just say whatever?

Power Laoder: Not even gonna say a thing?

RG is online

RG: AIZAWA SHOTA AND YAMADA HIZASHI!!!! How dare you not warn me about the green beans situation.

Aizawa: what do you mean?

Mic: What did he do?

All Might: Is he okay?

Nezu: Did he try to kill himself again?


Aizawa: i am on my way.

Aizawa went offline

Mic went offline

Nezu: May I asked how he tried this time?

RG: He just grabbed the scalpel and tried to slice his throat open!

All Might: ... Izuku did?

RG: YES! You want to see all the blood on the floor?

All Might went offline

Nezu: Not a bad idea. 

RG: What scared me the most is how precise he started. If he would have put a little bit more force into it then he would be done for.

Hound Dog: I surely want him in my office now.

Thirteen: How is he?

Cementoss: Better question how are you?

RG: I got a literal heart attack how do you think I am?

Snipe: Well you sound pretty alive to me.

RG: You want to meet my cane again?

Power Loader: Yup agree pretty alive.

RG: You- never mind Aizawa just came in.

Nezu: Please inform us about his situation later.

RG: He is alive and alseep for now.

RG went offline

Midnight: I wonder why he is doing this?

Nezu: He grew up quirkless. We all know what that means.

Thirteen: Sure didn't had it easy.

Nezu: That's why we need to be patient and have an eye open on him.

3rd POV:

The moment Aizawa came into the room, the poor man nearly had a heart attack seeing all the blood on the floor and Izuku's clothes stained too. However it was not the blood or the stained clothes that made the hero nearly collapse but Izuku's state. The boy was pale as a ghost and was put on an IV.

RG: As you see.... I was not preprared for this.

Aizawa: Neither was I when he jumped out of a moving car.

RG: Wait. He did?! You sure you got the right kid?

Aizawa: Suicidal.

RG: Who would have thought that the green bean would be suicidal when he was younger.

Aizawa: Bakugo knows.

RG: Please tell me that the quirk affecting him will be over soon.

Aizawa: Tell me something knew.

RG: ... I examined him.

All of the sudden the door to the infermary opened and Mic came in. The moment he saw the blood and Izuku laying there like a dead body the poor man fainted.

Aizawa: Zashi... he's still alive.

RG: For now!

Aizawa: Is there something I should know?

RG: No, he's just suicidal and the effect on him is permanent.

Aizawa: Can you repeat the last part again. I think my ears went deaf.

RG: Let me tell this to you again. Come here!

She went closer to Aizawa and made him lean down towards her before screaming in his ear.


Aizawa didn't jump or move all he did as sight, pinch the bridge of his nose and then shake his head.

Aizawa: I hoped I missheared.

RG: Want me again?

Aizawa: No.

RG: Well good luck with him and please warn me before you bring him here. I need to make this infirmary suicidal proof in the meantime.

Aizawa: Can I bring him home?

RG: After the IV is done sure.

Just as she said that All Might came in through the door, breaking it down like a normal person.

All Might: Where is my boy!

Aizawa: Dead.

All Might: NOOOOOOO!!! I was too late! My poor boy and I couldn't save him.

RG: Calm down, he is only out because I healed him.

All Might: So he is alive?

RG: Yes.

All Might: Aizawa!!!

Aizawa: What? I said the truth. He is not your boy anymore. He is mine.

All Might: ... 

Aizawa: Now if you excuse me, I have a son and a husband to take care off!

Just like that he grabbed Hizashi and place him on a nearby bed and went to sleep on the floor in beetween leaning against the wall while All Might was left staring at him. He now had to cope with the reality that hit him. He didn't only lost his successor but also the right of being his substitution father because Aizawa adopted him already.

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