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Heyyyyy :) it's the first chapter :) hope, you guyz will like it :( sorry for all the mistakes :(
Enjoy! :D

Third Pov:

It's Sunday,,which means it's a lazy day for everyone! And guess what? Harry's family is visiting Zayn's house today for a get together. Ughhh looks like it's not so much lazy day for both of the boys.


"Harry! Get down here quickly! We are gonna be late!" Anne, Harry's mother called Harry from downstairs.
"Coming mum, Geez they act like they never been there" Harry says and rolled his eyes,,

It's not the first time they been on the Get Together House of Malik's..Harry likes there. A quiet, peaceful place, just near the lake.

"Alright I'm ready!" Harry comes downstairs dressed in a skinny jeans,a gray t-shirt with a purple wooden sweater,and a beanie on his head, which keeps his curls out from his face.

"Finally,You showed your appearance My lord" dramatically said Gemma. Harry just rolled his eyes at her.

"Alright let's not waste time here and leave. Robin did you put everything on the car trunk?" Anne called her Husband Robin

"Stop fussing around love, and yeah- I did.." said Robin

"I'm not fussing around! Now let's get out! I'm excited to see my brother.. haven't seen him for the past 3 years" Anne hissed at her husband.

Harry just sighed seeing his parents

Back at the Malik Mansion

"Zayn? Honey is everything settled?" Zayn's Mother 'Tricia' asked her only son 'Zayn'

"Yes mum- everything is ready. When are they gonna come?" Zayn asked his mum while he was sitting at the couch

"Yeah- they leaved their house,so they are gonna be here in about 2 hour's" Tricia said

"Okie" said Zayn,, ' It's gonna be a long time this year' He thought internally.

Don't mind him- it's not that he doesn't like he's Uncle Aunty and his cousins. It's just this whole visiting can be quite overwhelmed for him.

The last get together they had was 3 years ago.Time changed,He changed.

Let's see what happens

3 hours later

Harry and his family reached at the Malik Mansion.

"AN! My sister!" Screamed Yaser seeing his younger step sister at the car parking.

"Yas! I missed you!" Anne ran at her step brothers arms. Yaser held Anne firmly and hugged her back.

"Alrighty! We are also here." Robin said and chuckled from behind.

"Welcome Fam!, We all missed you" Yaser said and hugged Robin.

"How are you my babies?look! You guys grown so much!" Tricia gushed at the Styles siblings and hugged them.

"Ok- come on now- let's get inside" Tricia said smilingly.

Harry and his family step at the mansion and then Harry and Zayn saw each other.

Harry greeted him with a "Hello" but he's mind was thinking "well,, He's- even more hot and gorgeous now- yeah-"

Zayn replied Harry with a "Hey- How are you?"

Harry replied with a small "Fine,What about you?"

Zayn just shrugged at him. Harry laughed slightly.

And for Zayn- Zayn's mind was clouding seeing Harry cause damn! Isn't he Beauty!

Zayn saw many boys in his life and yeah- they were handsome, not that he care about them.

But he never really seen a boy who is mostly Beautiful- but now he seen one-

Cause standing beside him Harry Styles is a beautiful boy!

He knew Harry was a pretty boy cause he seen harry from his childhood.

But puberty hitted him really hard.cause right now- Harry is breathtakingly and divinely beautiful!

Ethereal Beauty- that's what he is.

Sooo how is this chapter? :) Sorry if it's not that good :( I'm gonna try my best for this story :(
Thank You If you are reading it! And if you can then please vote and comment <3

All the love

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