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Sorry for the late update :( sorry for all the mistakes, and enjoy <3


Harry and Zayn came to a party with Louis- for the past two, three days two of the boys got quite close-

Zayn found out Harry is a extremely touchy guy- he likes to stay in touch with he's family member or anyone he feels comfortable around-

Knowingly, unknowingly he's always touching you, either it's your shoulder,your hand or your doesn't matter so when slightly drunk Harry was being cuddly with him- he wasn't shocked- except he was feeling all giddy.

"Zaynieeeee-" whines Harry, when Zayn said they should get up for home.

Harry didn't wanted to leave- this party was so fun- but Zayn wanted to leave now.

He's drunk self was whining and pouting not to leave.

"Harryyyyy" mocks back Zayn. He was amused at Harry's drunk antics.

Harry just looks so adorable while drunk, pouting and whining- but they have to go back cause tommorow he was planning to show Harry a special place-

"Why can't we stay?" Grumbles Harry.

"Cause I said so" Zayn says while shrugging casually. "Besides you don't no anyone here except me and Louis- Louis is gone to have some fun and I don't want to stay here so you can't also stay"

"Or maybe you are just jealous that someone is gonna steal me" drunk Harry rambles.

Which matter of factly was kinda true- Zayn was annoyed how much attention Harry was getting there- it was like everyone wanted to devour him-

"Sure bud-" Zayn said while rolling his eyes-

They walked home with a drunk Harry and sober Zayn.

Harry rambled about nothing while Zayn listened to him amused.

Suddenly- Harry stopped walking- Zayn looked back at him and raised his eyes

"What?" Said Zayn.

"Am horny-" whines Harry.

Zayn's eyes go wide- He chuckles nervously- what was he suppose to say?

"Ok? Let's go home now-" said Zayn nervously- they should go home quickly and put Harry to sleep.

"Then we can bang!" Exclaimed a excited Harry.

Zayn chokes on his spit hearing what Harry said- Harry clearly has no idea what he is saying- Even tho he won't mind that-- 'Shut up Zayn! You both have partners' remind he's inner mind-

"Harry! You can't say these things!" Bewildered Zayn said.

"Why?" Said a pouting Harry.

"Cause we are cousins!" Said Zayn.

"Soo?" Shrugs Harry.

"You forgot we both have girlfriends" Zayn reminded him-

"Ohh-" mumbles a drunk Harry- "So we can't fuck?" Drunk Harry asks dumbly-

"Fuck no! God- let's go home" Zayn said while shaking his head-

Even tho the offer of fucking sounded quite tempting but he just can't do it- it's not right- and do he have to remind himself everytime when he is around Harty that he has a girlfriend.

"But am horny and am hard-" whines Harry again.

"Harry-" Zayn sternly uttered.

"Fine" grumbles Harry.

Harry isn't gonna even remember what he was saying tommorow-


They returned home, Both of their parents were not home cause they were catching up with their cousins and friends so it was only Harry and Zayn alone at home- ("Hum tum ek kambre me band ho jaye..wor chabi kho jaye🌚" Ignore my Desi ass)

Zayn unlocked the house- get in with Harry only to be attacked with a big hug-

"Zee!" Exclaimed Perry while hugging him tightly.

As for Zayn he was shocked- what is Perry doing here? She was supposed to be in California.

"Perry? Wha- you are here- how?" Zayn mumbled, still hugged her back a little.

Perry pulled away from the hug- smiling brightly,

"My college is off for someday- and I miss you so I came to surprise you" said Perry and tried to kiss Zayn.

Only to get in returned with Harry throwing up on Perry-

Perry and Zayn got so busy in themselve that they didn't acknowledge Harry-

"WHAT THE FUCK!" screamed Perry-

Zayn was gobsmack- he didn't know what to do-

"Am still horny" muttered Harry before passing away- only to get caught by Zayn.

"Who tf is he!?" Perry yelled at Zayn.

She was still soaked in Harry's puke but she didn't care- her man is with a boy and that boy fucking throwed up on her!!

"Fuck- I'm sorry Perry- it's Harry. My cousin- I told you that they came to visit us-" said Zayn, holding Harry and trying to Walk upstair-

"And he fucking puked on me! EW I NEED TO CLEAN MYSELF! FUCK OFF FROM MY WAY AND LET ME GET TO THE WASHROOM" Perry hurried up to get to the washroom.

With that she was gone to washroom.

Zayn sighed- and muttered "What the fuck just happened?"

With that he started to drag Harry to their room- after a hard work he could tucked Harry in bed.

He looked at Harry's peaceful place before planting a kiss on his forehead- he didn't know why did that but he just did-

Now he have to get to perry- sighing, he closed the door and goes to living room, waiting for Perry to come back from washroom-

Heyyyyyy :) am sorry- I don't know what to write anymore :(

I guess am having a writers block or something lol- please Ignore the grammars , I'm trying to work on my Grammer any English..

Thank you so much if you are reading,


All the love,

A Love Of Us~Zarryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें