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Hii?? Read chapter 8 properly to understand this chapter :)

The day Harry left his (Zayn's) home, he felt something. Something, He didn't felt even with Perrie. He's a smart man, specifically a good man, he knew what he was feeling so he did what he's instincts told him...

Before meeting Harry as well, he was feeling that him and Perrie were a little rifting apart and now that he met Harry, he surely knew what he was feeling. So he didn't give fucking thought about anything and called Perrie and told her the truth.

Perrie cried, she cried hard- Zayn was feeling sad as well that he gave Perrie this much pain but he couldn't lie to himself nor Perrie. It would be much more wrong to her. He was supposed to be Loyal to only her. And having thoughts and feelings about someone is not loyalty. And not only he had these thoughts and feelings but he as well kissed Harry behind her back. So yes, he broke up with Perrie.

Two days later, he suddenly got a call from his university. He got a opportunity to be in London and show his art's for a gallery.

At first, He was gobsmack but then a wide grin came across his face. He's going in London! He's gonna show around his own art's in a gallery full of people! And not only this, he's gonna meet Harry...

Harry, his beautiful looking Harry. Whom he kissed once but his lips were aching to touch those rose petal looking luscious mouth another time.

So yes, here he was now in Harry's House. Specifically in their guest room. Thinking, he fucked up when he kissed Harry that day. Cause Harry was crying-


Short filler :) sorry updated after a long :(
So that's how Zayn came in London :0.

Should I keep going on this book??? :(

All the love.

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