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Ayyoooo here with the 2nd chapter ;) I'm trying my best so hope you guys will like it :)

Third Pov:


Harry was knackered from the journey and he wanted to rest. So now he is here, in Zayn's room.

Apperantly the family members thought they should 'Bond' here is he now.

He was just snoozing off,when Zayn came to the room.

Zayn was surprised seeing Harry on his bed trying to sleep. Wasn't he supposed to be in guest room?

"Umm- What are you doing here?" Zayn nervously asked Harry. But why was he nervous? And also to a lad who is younger then him?

"Your parents- uhh- they said we should bond more so we have to share the room" Harry awkwardly replied to Zayn, who is still standing at the door.

"Ohh- alright,then. Uhh so we have to share the bed?" Zayn asked Harry who is still laying on the bed.

Harry just shrugged "I don't have any problem, Do you?"

"Nahh. Why would I? Just two lads sleeping in a bad- nothing else?" Zayn rambled

Harry just looked at him weirdly and said "yeah-"

Zayn was embarrassed cause why was he acting like this? It's annoying.

"Alright,You rest. I'm gonna go now"

Harry nodded at him and Zayn left

The only thing in Harry's mind was now "well, isn't he being kinda weird? Whatever." He shrugged it off.
Zayn was sitting in the terrace and smoking when he's phone ringed. He looked at the caller and saw Perrie was calling him. A smile break through his face. He takes the call without any hesitation.

"Hey babe! What's up!?" Zayn beamed at Perrie who's talking in the call.

"Hey love! I'm alright- just a little bit tired" Perrie said from the line.

"How is Unie babe?" Zayn asked.

Ohh- did I forgot to tell you? Perrie Edwards is Zayn's girlfriend.they are high school sweethearts. Perrie has gone to California for her studies. So currently they are in a long distance relationship. And they both have no problems.

"It's good.But tiring- and I miss you" Perrie sadly said.

Zayn sighed,"I know love, but just 2 more years and then everything is gonna be settled".

"Yeah- Ok I have to go Z, talk to you later, Bye- I love you"

"Bye- I love you too" Said Zayn and the call ended.

Someone cleared their throat from behind, Zayn looked behind and saw Harry- looks like he just showered sometimes ago.

"Mooching mooching with your girlfriend ehh-" Harry teasingly smirked at Zayn.

Zayn chuckled at his cousins words, "What to do- gotta keep up a relation"

"Ahh- so we are just saying 'I love you' for keeping the relation" said Harry teasingly.

Zayn just shoved his shoulder and laughed "Shut up, You done with your rest"

Harry stretched his body like a cat and replied "Yup. Been on a journey after a time, So got exhausted easily"

Zayn nodded at Harry.

"So you got any girlfriend? Or a boyfriend? I know you are Bi." Zayn asked Harry with a little curiosity.

Harry shrugged at him and replied "Had boyfriend back ago- Wasn't enough for him I guess, now I have a girlfriend- Her name is Camille."

For some reason Zayn was little hurt- but why tho? Harry is a smart, young, beautiful lad. Of course he will have someone. Zayn thought.

"Is she good?" Zayn asked him.

Harry smiled at him. "She is- She's really understanding and sweet. And Beautiful also- I like being with her"

From what Harry said and how he said- It is clear that Harry genuinely liked her- but maybe not love?

"Like? You don't love her?" Zayn asked  Harry again. He was really curious about Harry's relation.

Harry raised he's eye brows at Zayn
"Aren't you doing a interview with me hmm?" Harry chuckled and continues saying "Love is strong word- it's a deep feeling, A passion to protect someone and give them hope, a deep friendship, where we are oblivious yet know everything about our feelings, where we give a little bit of ourselves to our special friend,A trust and hope not to leave them- Yeah I surely Iike Cammile a lot- but I don't know if my feelings are that strong- but who knows of the future right?"

Zayn was truly impressed and mesmerized by Harry's word- in this mordern word he didn't know that there were also people liked Harry- He was mesmerized by Harry's Beautiful thoughts on love-

Where normal people says "I love you" on daily basis. Harry was stick to his words and feelings, and it was beautiful of him-

"Wow- well you are right." Zayn speakes to Harry.

"Aren't I? I'm always right" Harry beamed with a cheeky grin.

Zayn just chucked- right or wrong but Harry Styles was beautiful inside and out and the person who gets him is gonna be a lucky one.

Heyyyyy so this is the end of this chapter! :) Hope you guys will like it :) Vote and Comment <3


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