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I had been hired for Joey Drew studios.. For a reason I hadn't understood It made me feel uneasy, like my stomach had clamped tightly.

My co-workers were all unsocial and had a glazed look over their eyes. I had realized I'd became one of them once I was persuaded by Joey as well.

My thoughts had filed them all as impertinent scum at first, however, after the commotion of gathering up employees had distilled, I began to enjoy their company.

I treated them with silence obviously, since I wished not to disturb their laboring trance.

My more favored colleague's were: Susie Campbell, Jack Fain, Norman Polk and Wally Franks.

Susie was more of a sweetheart than anything else. Her cunning and devious voice didn't really suit her, but it fit her Alias character for our cartoons like she was made for her. Campbell always got excited easily, with the mystery and thrill of Joey's random planning.

I, however, more than disliked it. He was all over the place, random, and has no sense of coordination. His eyes were always focused on our animator, Henry Stein. Never did he actually pay any attention to the rest of us. It was always Susie or Henry. What a charmer...

Susie disagreed with me as always, yet somehow we still got along. She stuck to me like glue and would run her fingers through my platinum blonde hair, as I'd tweak and doodle with my numerous songs.

One person who did agree with me was Jack. He shared my enthusiasm for music and would sing to my songs as I'd rehearse. He said he, "Just wanted to sing," but I knew that it was an excuse to get out of that putrid sewer. Thomas had never gotten it fixed, so the lyricist had to endure the foul odor for days on end.

Joey enjoyed our enthusiasm and said he understood it, but I knew that the only thing that wretched man was ever enthusiastic about was his lust for succession.

He never understood any of us! He just made it seem so! I never saw any good come from him, though I couldn't pass up the opportunity he had given me.. It was my dream come true yet it was coated with a hot, thick, bubbling layer of lies

His greed... It boiled over him and took hold after Henry had left. I understood the animator's reasons and I actually felt good for him.

He had finally realized that Mr.Drew was a disgusting deceiver... I had yet to behold his true colors...

It was a whirlwind of lies, but it was invisible to our innocent eyes. Lacie Benton, our engineer, had always suspected something was wrong with him, and told me time and time again to just quit while I had the chance. I should've listened. For Joey Drew ruined my life.

But... At the same time...

He brought me the thing I love most...


Hey! I've kinda wanted to do this flashback chapter for a while so... Viola! Hope you enjoy it! <3


Spotlight -By CG5

I keep listening to this on repeat its sooooo good!

~Pigments of my heart~ Bendy x SammyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt