1: Another day.... Maybe?

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Monokuma left the grocery store with some bags of candy, meat, veggies and cheese. Why Cheese? I don't know he just likes cheese.

Monokuma walked down the street to his house. Ever since the Killing Game ended at season 53 he's found himself with nothing to do, other than taking care of his adorable Monokubs.

He was honestly lost with what to do and was currently just living off the money he made off of the killing games. Monokuma thought to himself, what could he do now that the killing game is off air?

And then something hit him.

No- I mean like- Literally hit him.

Out of nowhere a brick hit the back of his head. It didn't hit him too hard but just enough to make Monokuma dizzy. Then he fell to the floor, trying to recover from the attack.

Was it even an attack?...

*Back at the Jasmine Foundation*

"MAG'Z- PUT THE BRICK DOWN-" Hilldra yelled.

Mag'z was Hilldra's cousin. Hilldra was currently trying to stop her cousin from throwing a brick at Jacob's face.


Then Mag'z threw the brick at Jacob.



The brick didn't hit Jacob.

"You're welcome." Akoi came out of nowhere with a portal summoner. Apparently he made a portal infront of the brick and portalled it to a different Universe.

"Hey Akoi... Where did you send that brick???..." Hilldra asked Akoi.

"No idea." Akoi answered.

Everyone started to panic.

Everyone except Hilldra.

Hilldra knew that since the brick was portalled instead of teleported or aported, the brick probably picked up some of the fragments the portal left behind. That means those portal fragments could send the brick jumping through a bunch of different Universes via portals.


Jumping through a bunch of Universes via portals.

Oh no.

Monokuma x SansWhere stories live. Discover now