4: You feel your sins crawling on your back

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Monokuma P.O.V

I woke up the next morning, barely moving because I wanted to fall asleep again. Monomi was taking care of the kubs so I could sleep for a little while longer right? And that's exactly what I did.

Well that's what I would've did if it wasn't for a certain enthusiastic, Spaghetti loving skeleton who gets up at.... wait it's 11:00 already? I usually wake up around 7:00 what happened???

"Monokuma? MONOKUMA! It's already Eleven 'o clock! You are gonna miss out on the Breakfast Spaghetti I made!" Papyrus said as he picked me up and shook me till my eyes opened. Breakfast Spaghetti? There's even Spaghetti for breakfast??? How many generations did I skip/Neglect???

"Alright Alright Papyrus! I'm- wait where's Sans?" I ask. I saw Frisk sitting at the dinner table eating Breakfast Spaghetti but Sans isn't there.

"Oh that lazy bones is still sleeping! I tried to wake him up but he just won't! I'm sorry for that Monokuma but this usually happens a lot." Papyrus says. So he sleeps in? Nice.

"Well I could go wake him up for you." Monokuma says. "My kubs can get like that too but even I'm able to wake them up from the deepest sleeps." I say confidently. Usually a gallon of water does the trick.

Papyrus looks at me with star eyes and smiles. "Yes please! I would very much appreciate it! But if you're not able to wake him up then it's okay." Papyrus says. As he finishes his sentence he tells me where Sans's room is and I go upstairs to try and wake him up.

Sans P.O.V

z z z... z z z... Well now I sound like Napstablook.

Anyways I'm just sleepin in my comfy bed, the warm blanket covering my whole body. I'm nice and comfy.

Then I hear someone walking to my room. I expect that it could be the kid or Paps trying to wake me up again so I don't really do anything. The kid or Paps opens the door aaaanddd...

"Hey Bed Potato wake up." Monokuma sa- Wait Monokuma? Even he's trying to wake me up?"

I hear Monokuma walk over to my bed where I am. He then starts grabbing my shoulders and shaking me violently in an attempt to wake me up. "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAAAAADDD!!!!!!!!!" Monokuma yells into my non-existent ear.

Paps already tried this with me so it won't work this time.

Monokuma then tries to roll me off the bed, won't work either.

He then tries to slap me. New but it doesn't work.

But then something VERY unexpected happened.

Monokuma P.O.V


I've tried everything, I even slapped the guy and still nothing! Wait he's a skeleton, does he even feel the pain on his face?-

Anyways I was wondering if I had to resort to the gallon of water thing but then I got an idea. It was a stupid idea but it was an idea nonetheless! But for this trick I just needed to know one thing...

Do skeletons hear? They don't have ears so can they hear? Well then again Papyrus could hear me.... Ugh never mind let's just do this.



Monokuma goes over to Sans's ear (That doesn't really exist) and whispers something in a sexual tone.

Monokuma x SansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora