6: Have you've ever heard of Wattpad?

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Monokuma P.O.V

GOD DAMMIT I HATE THAT FUCKING BRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh, OKAY MONOKUMA calm down. You might've been kidnapped by living skeletons and taken all the way to the US, yeah not that bad right? Your Monokuma, The Despair Extraordinaire, your stronger than this you could kill these guys easily....

Well that's how it was in the Killing Games....

Fuck this is real life not a fucking game, UGH THINK!!!

I feel something clinging to my right arm, I have NO idea what it is and I'm not sure if I wanna find out.

I start to open my eyes slowly. I'm gonna take a quick peek to see if anyone else is in the house. Frisk has to go back to her mothers place and Papyrus could be.... I dunno? Maybe he went with Frisk or something?

I open my eyes fully and.... Wait who's bed is this?

The bed is plain with a purple and blue blanket, I'm guessing this was where Frisk was sleeping. I look over to my right and see Sans clinging to my arm- wait WHAT!? Why is Sans sleeping next to me!? I feel my face heat up and- god dammit what is even happening right now????

I try to get my arm out of Sans's grip without alerting him. I was able to do the first part but not the second.

"Mmh... You awake?" Sans looks at me. Well fuck this didn't turn out well.

I keep silent and just nod my head. I have no idea why I am here or even HOW I got here but I was gonna get out.

Then I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey Sans? Is that you? Papyrus let us in and we gotta ask you some questions!" I hear a voice say. The voice sounded strangely familiar.....

"Hilldra?" Sans says as he stands up and walks to the door. "What are you doing here?" He opens the door and there stood.... Wait....

No ones P.O.V


Monokuma is sitting on a park bench watching the Monokubs play with other kids and toys. He was bored so he got out his phone and went to his notes app to write or something. He was writing a little story about a magical brick that can jump between universes and timelines. The brick constantly hits people, sometimes almost killing them, then vanishes without a trace.

"What u writing?" someone comes up and sits next to Monokuma.

A girl with short black hair, brown eyes and glasses came up to Monokuma. Even though it was summer she was dressed in a hoodie because... Because she could?

"Oh I'm just bored so I'm writing about a... a brick..." Monokuma finally realized how boring his life has become. "Oooo! I like stories! Can I read it?" the girl asks. "Uh- Sure! Knock yourself out." Monokuma let the girl read the story. She must be good at reading because she was already done reading the story in 2 minutes.

"That's some good shit! I'm impressed!" The girl says with a small smile. I know some people out there who would like to read this!"

"Have you've ever heard of Wattpad?"

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