8: Fuck

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No one's P.O.V:

Monokuma was sitting on his couch, watching a movie Monomi recommended. The movie was basically just two highschoolers falling in love on an island full of demons that eat humans.

Perfect movie.

The volume was only at 1 because Sans was sleeping upstairs in Monokuma's bedroom along with frisk, Papyrus, Monomi and Undyne. Except Sans was sleeping on Monokuma's bed.

The bed that Monokuma also sleeps in.

Well that's nice.

Anyways, Monokuma looked at the bloody clock that was hung up on his wall just to see that it was 1:05. Even if it was already one in the morning he didn't feel tired at all, maybe it's because he drank one too many energy drinks that day but who knows?

While Monokuma watched the rest of the movie he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. When he turned his head over to look he saw a sleepy looking Sans who was clinging onto one of his blankets. Now don't worry Sans IS awake! He just went to pee in the upstairs bathroom and he couldn't sleep anymore so...

"Mornin Kuma..." Sans said as he attempted to walk towards the fridge only to trip over the blanket and fall immediately. He kind of just laid there for a while before getting up again and walking to the fridge WITHOUT the blanket. Finally he opened the fridge and got a bottle of water

Monokuma held his laugh in because he knew his laugh would wake the others upstairs immediately. Once Sans chugged his water bottle he teleported next to Monokuma who nearly jumped off of the couch.

He was NEVER gonna get used to that.

"So what are you watching?" Sans asked. He was probably gonna be up for the rest of the night so why not just hangout with Monokuma until sunrise?

"I'm just watching this movie my sister suggested. I think it's called 'demon awakening' or some shit like that." Monokuma said. The movie was actually called Love awakening but he was close.

"Huh... seems cool I guess. Can I watch with you?" Sans asked. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Monokuma said not answering Sans's question. "Can't." Sans simply said. Apparently that was good enough for Monokuma. So he let Sans watch the movie with him.

. .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... ..........

2 hours have passed and the movie wasn't even done yet.

Sans started getting sleepy and Monokuma was getting bored. Monokuma was gonna stop the movie and turn the TV off....

But then-

"A-AAH!~" The TV randomly screamed.

Yeah the TVs volume was only at 1 but apparently the noise was SO loud that Sans woke up with a bright blue blush and Monokuma turned off the TV.

He also threw the remote.

"What.the.fuck." Monokuma said with blush on his face.

Sans was sitting there with his "do you wanna have a bad time" face except with blue blush. "Sorry Sans.." Monokuma said nervously while turning his head to look at Sans.

But Sans didn't seem to be listening.

"Sans?" Monokuma said with slight confusion.

The skeleton had no pupils (his white eye thingys) and a wide blue blush was spread across his face as he looked down at the carpet below him. He seemed to be VERY deep into thought, not sure what he was thinking though....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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