Chapter 1

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Boruto was walking down a dirt road that had lose rocks strewn all over. They were headed back to Konoha.

They had just recently finished up a mission escorting a merchant back to his village. They wanted to get home as soon as possible wanted to get home as soon as possible. B ranks are cool and all but traveling the road does not bode well for someone who's used to taking nice baths and sleep in comfortable beds.

So Boruto was just itching to get home.

He had been walking ahead of his team when he heard it. The crunching and then a thunderous rumble.

He turned his head and saw one of the bigger rocks was racing down toward the road they were on.

In its path was Mitsuki, frozen. Whether it be fear or shock he didn't move.

It is said that it only takes a few seconds to change the outcome of an event. Whether it be in someone's life or the entire world.

Boruto doesn't know how it happened. Naruto hasn't taught him the body flicker technique and Konohamaru-sensie hasn't even began to master. But somehow, someway he body flickered and appeared in front of Mitsuki.

He doesn't know when he started forming it but he did. His hand moved on its own and he threw the fully formed Rasengan at it.

It splintered into thousands of little pieces.

Konohamaru was gone, and most likely went to get whoever tried killing one of his students. Boruto turned around, wanting to make sure Mitsuki was okay.

Mitsuki wasn't always very expressive but his eyes were blown open and his mouth hung. Sarada, who was a few feet behind the two jogged up to them.

Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open as soon as she came to a stop and saw Boruto.

"What? What's wrong? Why are you two looking at me like that?" He asked as he looked between them.

"Boruto. Your eye." Sarada said.

"What about my eye?" He asked.

She pulled out the little mirror she kept in her pouch. She held it up to his face letting him get a look at his eye.

He could understand why they were shocked.

There it was. Prominently displaying itself in his left eye was the first stage of the Sharingan. 

He stood frozen. Rooted to the ground. Maybe this was just a very weird dream or he's been drugged. Either way this couldn't be real.

But it was real.

They stood on the road for ten minutes with Sarada coaching Boruto on how to try and get the Sharingan to rest. It wouldn't do him well to keep it active for long.

Konohamaru wasn't as surprised as they thought he would be. He just sighed and told them to get moving.

Konohamaru knew that taking more A-B ranks was going to bite him in the ass. He just didn't think that it would be because of Boruto activating his Kekkei genkai. Oh brother, Naruto was going to freak out.

Sasuke was going to celebrate the fact that his son finally unlocked his Sharingan.

Yes, Konohamaru knew of the entire relationship. He was one of the few people who knew.

Others like Gaara, Shikamaru, and obviously him knew.

They were Naruto's most trusted friends. Well he one upped both of them because he was Naruto's little brother. He was the first to know about their relationship. You don't exactly forget your big brother having his tonsils inspected by a fugitive now do you. 

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