Chapter 39

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It had been a week since the entire Sakura convention and Naruto doesn't know why, but he was pulled out of bed, by most of the women he knew and pushed into a room with all of the women he knew.

He doesn't even know how they got into his house.

However, right now they were at Hinata's house and everyone was running around and doing something.

Naruto was sat in the dining hall and ate mini tarts while Sakura and Hinata ran around the house with clipboards and earpieces.

"Where the hell is Kushina?!" Hinata roared into hers.

"No, Sai. I said in a full suit. If you and Ino show up in crop-top you won't be having another kid! Ever!" Sakura yelled into her's.

"What do you mean she's not coming?! I paid that bitch so she better be here!" Hinata said.

"No! The white lilies go on the table and the rest of them go into the pond! Get it right!" Sakura yelled.

"Oh no, she won't! I want security doubled in and around the place. If they aren't on the list then they aren't allowed in! That's final!" Hinata yelled.

"No. We want the white doves because some of the children are afraid of butterflies! How many times do I have to say that?!" Sakura yelled.

"You know what they are doing?" Naruto asked TenTen who was sitting next to him. She was thoroughly cleaning a pair of twin daggers that Naruto wasn't really looking at.

"You will know as soon as your mother gets here," Tenten said with a smile directed at the blonde.

"Sir! You yell at me one more time and I will send a chakra-infused punch up your ass!" Sakura yelled.

"Well, it's gotta be intense if Sakura is yelling that much," Naruto said.

"Oh, you have no idea," TenTen said.

{<Scene Change>}

Sasuke was frustrated. He was dragged out of bed, didn't know where his fiance was and nobody was telling him anything.

"Okay. We have about seven hours to get this man in a suit, get his hair done and make him take weird ass photos with us that we can use as blackmail." Sugetsu said. Sasuke didn't even know when his best friend got to Konoha.

"Okay, can you please tell me what is going on now?" Sasuke asked.

"Dude, how haven't you figured it out yet?" Kiba asked as he ran around with huge potted plants.

"Because nothing big was planned for the day," Sasuke said.

"Oh, my Kami. Sasuke it's your wedding day." Shikamaru said.

"Naruto and I haven't planned that yet. So it can't be." Sasuke said as he shook his head.

"Yeah. That's kinda why your friends planned it for you guys. Your plates have been so full recently with watching over the kids, taking care of the twins, taking care of not only the clan but the village, and then the Kara threat. We thought that we could help you guy's out by doing this for you." Sai said as he stepped into the room.

"How can they plan a wedding in a week?" Sasuke asked.

"They didn't. They have been since the day you proposed to Naruto, but it was going a bit slow. However, when Sakura had made up with you guys it went like twenty times faster. Now we are here. So get into that tux that your mother and father bought you or so help me, Kami I will tell the girls you are resisting." Gaara said.

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