Chapter 31

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Naruto was tired.

He was now entering the third trimester of his pregnancy, his feet were swollen, he had boobs, he felt fat, and his hormones were all over the place.

He really hated it. Not the pregnancy but the aftermath.

He wasn't going to work today because he was on maternity leave. He sat up in bed and looked to his side to find Sasuke still asleep.

He felt no other chakra signatures in the house.

Which meant Boruto and Sarada had already gone to training with Kanohamaru. Kawaki was most likely with his grandma's or talking to Shikadai.

Yeah, he knew of his son's crush on the small Nara, what mother wouldn't know? Madara and Hashirama were most likely off to train on the grounds. Tobirama and Izuna most likely went on one of their many hunts.

He couldn't understand what they were doing and he hadn't gotten the time to ask them yet. He'll get to it later.

He turned around and pulled Sasuke onto his back. The raven woke up a little because he was not expecting to be moved.

He felt a small weight on his chest and saw Naruto's blonde hair.

He saw the position Naruto was in and found that it couldn't be comfortable. So he pulled Naruto to lay on him.

His face was in the crook of Sasuke's neck and his entire body was laid on top of the raven.

"Sasuke I'm too heavy," Naruto mumbled into the raven's neck.

"Who said that?" Sasuke asked as he used his other hand to stroke Naruto's big belly. Seven months and Menma was looking beautifully healthy and sturdy.

Tsunade said he was strong and that he was going to be a force to be reckoned with when he gets older.

But for now, he was a bundle laying peacefully in his mother's womb. Protected by a chakra demon, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sasuke Uchiha.

He felt Menma kicking, most likely telling his father that he could protect himself, and didn't want Naruto to be uncomfortable.

"Have you seen me? I'm big and I'm fat," Naruto said.

"You're not fat baby. You're pregnant. Fat shouldn't be in your vocabulary," Sasuke said.

Naruto just grumbled something about Sasuke being too in love with him to see his flaws.

"I don't see your flaws, because they are just as beautiful as you are," Sasuke said.

Naruto just sighed and encircled his arms around Sasuke's neck. Sasuke looked to the side and saw the time. He knew Naruto hadn't eaten anything yet.

He sat up and got them both out of bed.

He carried Naruto like a child, chest to chest, and carried him downstairs to go make them some breakfast.

"See not fat," Sasuke said as he walked into the kitchen. He was proving his point quite nicely.

"Shut up~" Naruto whined out.

Sasuke just chuckled and gave Naruto a kiss on the forehead, before putting him on the kitchen island.

He pulled out bacon, eggs, and tomatoes.

He heated up the oil and started cooking the entire pack of bacon. He turned around and stood in between Naruto's legs.

He gave the blonde's stomach a kiss and then he gave Naruto a kiss on the lips.

"What do you want to do today?" Sasuke asked.

"Hmm I want to stay at home and I want to be cuddled the whole day," Naruto said.

"That sounds like a good plan," Sasuke said as he gave Naruto another kiss.

He turned around and turned the bacon over so that it didn't burn or get too crispy.

"Are you going to stay with me the rest of my pregnancy or are you going to take missions after today?" Naruto asked.

"Nah. I'm staying here for the next three months. I want to be here for when you pop. I want to be able to hold my son the moment he is born," Sasuke said.

"You and I both know that I am going to hold our son first," Naruto said.

"Yes, but I do not like the idea of someone else holding him after you do. So I'm not taking any missions up until after you give birth to Menma," Sasuke said.

"Are you gonna stay after that too or not?" Naruto asked.

"No. I will be staying for a while. I want to go over our wedding plans together. Besides I can't leave you alone with the kids. You'd kick my ass if I did," Sasuke said as he put the bacon onto a paper towel to drain most of the oil.

He cracked the eggs and covered the pan with a lid and turned back to his wife-to-be.

"Damn right, I will. You are not leaving me to do all the work. Smelly diapers are going to be your punishment," Naruto said.

Sasuke just chuckled and snuggled into the valley between Naruto's breasts. They were forming greatly thanks to the milk that Naruto's body was making.

Naruto had boobs before the pregnancy but they were getting bigger. Sasuke loved it.

During Boruto's pregnancy that was one of Sasuke's favorite things. Naruto's chest getting bigger just gave him more to suck on. That and Naruto's milk tasted like natural honey.

Naruto ran his hands through Sasuke's hair.

"I will have to start pumping or else I'm gonna start overflowing," Naruto said.

"Only during the day," Sasuke said.

"Hmm?" Naruto asked.

"Only pump during the day. I am sharing you with the baby, I at least want to have my reward for that. So only pump during the day so that I can have some at night," Sasuke said.

"So you want me to do the same thing we did while I was pregnant with Boruto?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah. I want us to do that again," Sasuke said.

Naruto gave Sasuke another kiss, before letting Sasuke go and make sure the eggs are done.

He took the eggs out and put them on a plate. He lightly salted and peppered them before he sat them both on the island. He took a fork and cut the eggs and then he picked up some bacon.

He fed Naruto the bacon and egg combination before taking a piece for himself.

"I love your baked eggs. Don't know how you get them that good each time," Naruto said.

"Well they are only good when I have someone very important to me to cook for," Sasuke said as he gave Naruto another bacon and egg combo.

"Of course, it's only with me. I'm just that precious," Naruto said.

"I like how confident you are," Sasuke said.

"Why shouldn't I be confident? I'm hot, smart, strong and I got the hottest piece of arm candy that no woman can score," Naruto said as he did an imaginary hair flip.

Sasuke just chuckled and continued to feed both himself and Naruto.

After breakfast Sasuke had put on some gray sweatpants and Naruto put on one of Sasuke's shirts. His sleepwear booty shorts were covered by said shirt.

He and Sasuke stayed in their room and cuddled each other for the entire day.

They watched movies, kissed a lot and they ate too.

~∆•°°•∆•°°•∆•°°•∆~ be continued...

Hope you enjoyed it
Love hugs and kisses


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