Chapter 24

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Naruto was tired. He was nineteen weeks, four months, and three weeks, into his pregnancy and the baby was kicking.

It was like he was trying to show his mother that he was still there, by causing him pain.

At the moment it was like around midnight and once again the baby was kicking.

Sasuke was sound asleep without a care in the world. Now it's not like he doesn't care about Naruto, he just doesn't know.

He knew the baby kicked, but Naruto didn't tell him that he was continuously kicking.

So Naruto suffered quietly.

The blonde was sitting upright in bed, doing circular motions on his bump.

It usually worked, but right now he didn't want to calm down.

The baby kicked specifically hard at one point, making the blonde let out a gasp of pain.

Sasuke heard it and woke up. He looked at his blonde and saw his pain-filled expression.

The raven quickly sat up and asked,   "What's wrong?"

"The baby's kicking a lot," Naruto said.

"And you didn't wake me up to help, why exactly?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, you were sleeping and I usually deal with it. So I thought I could do it this time." Naruto said.

"So this has happened before and you didn't tell me?" Sasuke asked.

"Maybe," Naruto said.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and put his large hand on the small-ish bump. He bend down and his lip's where a centimeter away from the bump and he softly whispered, "Calm down my little star. You're hurting your mom."

The kicking immediately subsided. Sasuke sat upright and smirked at his blonde.

"And that's how you do it."

Naruto just rolled his eyes and sat up against the headboard. Sasuke took his spot right next to Naruto and took the blonde's hand in his own.

They sat there in silence.

"I love this," Naruto said as he laid his head on Sasuke's shoulder.

"What? Sitting in the dark and looking like a bunch of stalkers?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto let out a snort and just shook his head, "No teme. I mean just us. Between the family, the village, Sakura, and this Kara organization we haven't really gotten a chance to be alone. I like being alone with you." Naruto said.

"I like being alone with you too. It's refreshing. Now since we look like a bunch of stalkers in a dark room how about we go over a couple of things?" Sasuke said.

"Like what?"

"Like where are we gonna put the baby's crib and everything?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, I thought that we could put the crib and his clothes in here. We can make his actual room his playroom. I think that it would just be better. We can immediately get to him if he starts crying. If he needs a diaper change or a change of clothes then it would be done faster. That and for the first few months he's gonna need constant supervision." Naruto said.

"Makes sense. Where should the crib go?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, I thought of putting the crib near the door, against the wall. The changing table will be next to the window. There is also some room in my closet and we don't need to like to get extra closet space. So it will be easy." Naruto said.

"Then where is his room going to be when he gets old enough to look after himself?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, there is the room right next to Sarada's. It's big enough and has enough closet space. We can put a bed in there, repaint it and put up some decorations." Naruto said.

"That is a great idea. I think our moms would enjoy it the most." Sasuke said.

"Yeah, they actually would."

"Okay, then what do you want to name him?" Sasuke asked.

"You don't want to name him?" Naruto asked.

"You're doing all the work. Only fair that you pick the name. Besides you can name the baby better than I could." Sasuke said.

Naruto smiled and said, "Well then if I just so happened to pass out after pushing him out, I want you to call him Menma."

"After the other you in the other dimension?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah. He was my counterpart, but I want to make his name great again. He's gonna carry it with pride." Naruto said.

"That's kind. Who do you want to deliver him?" Sasuke asked.

"I want Granny to deliver him. She's the one I trust and know will take it much more seriously. I want to do it at the hospital." Naruto said.

"Alright. Now that the baby stuff is sorted out what about the wedding?" Sasuke asked.

"What about it?" Naruto asked.

"Well, when do you want to start planning it?" Sasuke asked.

"After Menma is born. Then we can focus on both and not worry about stress. I want this to be as stress-free as possible." Naruto said.

"I like that. It's a good thing you're smart and pretty. I scored big time with you." Sasuke said.

"Of course you did. Good thing too, because I was getting impatient with you're constant rejection. I was planning on going for Sai." Naruto said. His smirk was hidden from the raven's gaze.

"Ex-fucking-cuse me. You were gonna go with the crop top-wearing perverted, wana-be painter?" Sasuke asked.

You could hear the anger in his voice.

Naruto bit his lip and met the raven's gaze, "I like when you're jealous," Naruto said.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes, "Why?"

Naruto sat up a bit and straddled the raven's waist, "Because it shows me how important I am to you."

"You will always be important to me."

"That's one of the reasons that I love you. You make me feel important."

"What are the other things?" Sasuke asked.

"You make me feel like a Queen. It's like the ground I walk on is considered holy-" Naruto was cut off.

"Wich it is," Sasuke said.

Naruto giggled, "Thank you, but you also make me happy. Before you showed me your love I thought I was gonna be alone forever. So I was happy when you chose me."

"I'm the luckiest one. You chose me. You had millions of other choices. Some were better, others not so much, but you chose me. a Revenge seeking, emo, teme, bastard who was most likely destined to die alone." Sasuke said.

"Then let us agree that we are both lucky," Naruto said.

Sasuke had this thinking face on and said, "Nope. I'm definitely the luckiest one. I got this hot and beautiful piece of ass, that looks good on both my arm and in my bed. You got stuck with me." Sasuke said.

Naruto giggled and just encircled his arms around Sasuke's neck, "I got stuck with the most handsome man on earth." He said.

*∆•°°•∆•°°•∆•°°•∆* be continued...
Hope you enjoyed it
Love hugs and kisses

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