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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Surprisingly, only my alarm was necessary and not my twin brother screaming in my face in order to wake me up. I got out of bed and went into the shower, not washing my hair since i'd done that the day before. As always, I did my usual make up (black wing eyeliner and mascara), put my hair up in a bun and chose this outfit:

 As always, I did my usual make up (black wing eyeliner and mascara), put my hair up in a bun and chose this outfit:

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I went to Cesar's room looking for him but he wasnt there. Nobody was downstairs either. I texted Oscar, asking where he was. Didnt get a reply.

Sad Eyes came through the door.

"Hello" I said. He got close and kissed my head.
"Hola Gabriela. Where's Spooky at?"
"No clue. Cesar isnt here either"
"Shit. I think I know where they can be"
"With those pinche prophets that rolled up on you last night"
"Are you for real?"
"I am. But I thought that we were gonna get revenge together. I really fucking wanted to get to those bastards"
"Was Oscar mad when you told him?" 
"He was furious. But not with you. He felt like a bad brother for letting you go out all by yourself"
"He shouldnt feel like a bad brother. He's many things, but certainly not that"

We stayed silent until I took a slice of pizza from the counter. He slaped it away from my hand.

"Dont eat that. Es asqueroso" He said
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, thats from last night"
"So it is disgusting. There was a party here last night"
"Really? I didnt notice"
"It is crazy how hard it is to wake you up" He said, laughing.
"Yeah. But listen, if I cant eat that what am I supposed to eat"
"I'll make you something"
"Do you cook? Since when?"
"Shut up. You've seen me cook before"
I laughed. 

He made some eggs for me and I ate them. They were surprisingly good.

"Don't you have school?" He asked. I sat on the counter.
"I do" I answered. I opened a drawer and, as I expected, i found a pack of cigarettes. I took one and offered one to Sad Eyes with my hand. He took it.

"Does your brother know how much you smoke?"
"He smokes with me. Eventually, he got tired of forbidding me to do it, cause he knew that I'd do it anyway"

Sad Eyes laughed while he lit up his cigar.

Why did I think that he looked hot doing that? Why do I keep thinking that kinda stuff about my brothers best friend?

 We smoked, and then we spent like half an hour talking and laughing until my brothers came through the door.

"What are you doing here Gabriela?" Oscar asked. He was weird, like agitated.
"I was waiting for you. Didnt know were you were" I said
"Well you are already late for school, so get your ass going" 
"What about Cesar?" I asked
"He stays with me. We still got sum to do" 
"What were you doing this early?" 
"Gabriela, haz lo que te digo. Go to school, NOW" He said.
"Woah okay, chill Oscar. I'm going"
"Sad Eyes, homie, give her a ride" Oscar asked
"Sure" Sad Eyes answered, taking his keys from the kitchen table
"You can trust me mano. I'm going to go, Im not ditching today. I can go sola" I said
"I trust you. I don't trust no prophet. So go with him"
"Que te pasa? Your acting really weird" I said. I could tell that there was something going on
"Gabs. Just leave" Cesar told me, giving me a weird look.

I looked directly at Oscar's eyes with a "really?" face. He looked away from me. I snorted and grabbed my backpack from the floor. I took Sad Eyes's arm and left. 

"Gabriela!" Oscar shouted from inside.
"What?" I shouted back.
"Stay at school, all day, and wait for me to pick you up" he said
"Fine" I spat. 
"I'm really serious. You miss an hour of school, you get in so much trouble with me"
"I said FINE" I shouted.
"You speak to me with respect, ya lo sabes." He warned me.
"Well sure, when you give me a reason to treat you with respect I will..." I mumbled. I instantly regretted saying that, since the fact that Oscar may have heard me gave me chills. I turned around, and luckily he wasnt in the front door no more. Sad Eyes, tho, was looking at me with a stern face.

I got into his car and slammed the door. When he got in, I threw my bag to the back of the car.

"What the hell is wrong with them?" I shouted.
"Look Gabby, you need to chill" He said.
"What do you mean? You've seen it. They are ALWAYS keeping things from me. Like, they were so fucking weird, they didnt even tell me why they weren't home this morning. I'm so sick of them, I just never know how will they act when I wake up!!"
"Everything they do, they do to protect you" 
"You don't know what youre saying"
"Believe me, I do"

We were silent for a while, a silence that was only broken by Sad Eyes's cholo music. I texted Cesar. 

I couldnt understand what was wrong with them

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I couldnt understand what was wrong with them. Sad Eyes stopped the car in front of my school.

"We're here" He said.
"Yeah, so exciting" I said, clearly faking a smile. Sad Eyes's face suddenly changed.
"Look Gabriela, you gotta stop with the attitude. Do you know how many of us wish we could have gone to school? I know I'm only five years older than you, but at your age I had already drop out school, y no porque yo quisiese. As for your brother, the same. When your mother left you and your father went to jail, he had to stop studying to take care of YOU and your twin. And since then, all he has done is protect you. That's what he was doing in the morning, and that's what he's doing when he tells you to go to school. So if you wanna keep acting like a brat, go ahead. Just know that every time you complain about your brothers, I forget everything that I love about you. And believe me, I love a damn lotta things about you. So show some more goddamn respect to Spooky, cause he sure as hell deserves it"

If I'm being honest, now I know he is right, but in that moment I didnt. I just went speechless, stared at him and leave the car, annoyed by the fact that he thought he could tell me what to do.

The instant I stepped foot outside, I realized that everything he had told me was true. 

I turned around, to tell him.
"Fine, have it you way" He said, and sped up, clearly disappointed. So was I, cause I wanted to tell him he was right, but he didnt give me time. 

The instant I saw his car disapear, I realized that he had told me he loved a lot of things about me. What was that supposed to mean?

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