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Oscar and I got home, and as he said, all of the santos were on our front yard. They all waved at us, and we approached them. I said hello and one of them handed me a beer. I was about to sit down to hang with them a while, as I sometimes do, but Oscar snatched the beer out of my hands. 

"Hey!" I said
"You out of your mind if you think for a second that I'm letting you sit here and drink beer. You're going to your room Gabriela" he said.
"You cant just send me to my room. I'm seventeen" I said.
"Like hell I cant. No me hagas repetirlo

I stared at him, annoyed. I thought someone would defend me, but all of the guys were minding their business, and none of them dare to question Oscar anyway. 

I searched for Sad Eyes, and there he was, talking to one of the cholas. They were both laughing and I dont know why, but it made me really mad. I wanted to stay just to keep my eyes on them.

Then again, I was thinking that kinda weird stuff about Sad Eyes. What was wrong with me?

"Oscar what the fuck am I supposed to do in my room" 
"I dont know, manita. You figure it out. But I told you to do something today, and you didnt do it. So youre most def not gonna sit here and hang around with the homies. You havent earned it. So get the hell out of my sight, I mean it"
"Listen to me, you are mean" I said. He chuckled, and pointed to our house.

I looked at Sad Eyes again and he didnt look at me. What was wrong with me? Was he still mad?

I went upstairs to my room, and left the door open. I decided to work out, since I didnt have anything better to do.  

I changed into this:

I started the workout by stretching, which I always do

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I started the workout by stretching, which I always do. Then I worked out my abs, and my butt. Its what I always do. And let me tell you, I'm very happy with my body. If you dont work out, do it, its definitely worth it. 

When I finished, I went downstairs to fill my bottle with some iced tea. Cesar was in the kitchen. I suddenly remembered how mad I was with him, so I put on my bitch face real quick.

"Hi Gabs" He tried, knowing that I was pissed. I didnt answer, just oppened the fridge.
"We've run outta ice" He said. I still didnt look at him.

"Gabriela what the fuck, whats your problem?" He asked me. 
"You're seriously asking me that?" I said.
"I am" He sounded pissed, but so was I
"Well, I dont even know where to start, actually. But we should take it upstairs cause apparently I cant leave my room according to our fucking brother" 
"Yeah I know" He said, following me upstairs.
"Of course you know, how wouldnt you!? Oscar and you dont have any secrets, you are fucking best friends! Of course he told you!" I said, smiling sarcastically.
"Look, it is not my fault you got suspended" 
"I never said that, dumbass. What Im trying to say is, youre starting to treat me like Oscar, as if you were my older brother. You are definitely not older than me. You are my fucking twin, and we used to do everything together and now? Now y'all keep stuff from me. I get that Oscar does it but you? Its really fucking annoying"
"And what the hell am I supposed to do? I am part of the santos, you are not. And believe me, it is better if you dont know most of the stuff. I wish I didnt know shit, I wish I was fucking clueless just like you"
"You say as if I wanted to be fucking oblivious!"
"I dont care if you want to be or not, I'm just saying you are"
"You know damn well that I wanna be a part of it too. The santos are the only family I have!!"
"Well, if you wanna be a part of it, then you are a fucking idiot. Take your chance to have a goddamn future"
"Can y'all stop telling me what to do? I know whats best for me, and even if I didnt, you have no business telling me!"
"Look, Gabby, you're wrong about a lotta things, and as long as you are, I'll keep telling you. Cause I care about you, thats it. And I'm sorry we pissed you off this morning, but it was all for you."
"Okay Cesar but trust me, and talk to me! Dont leave me behind, even if im not in the gang!"

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