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"Whaaasss poppinggg?" Jamal said, answering my call. I could tell that he was in his usual silly mood.
"Im outside your house. Come out, lets go find Ruby and Monse and do something"
"Okay. Wait a second"

He came out of his house wearing his uniform, the one he uses when he works at his dad's dinner. 

"You gotta work today?" I asked.
"No, I already did. How was your last day of suspension?" He asked
"Awful. I got on a huge fight with Oscar... You know how that goes. He'll calm down eventually, I hope"
"What happened this time?" Jamal asked, while we walked over to Ruby's.
"I just said some terrible things to him. At first he was hurt, then he got mad. Like real mad. It was fucking scary" 
"It sure sounds scary to me" 
"Thats no secret. How come he scares you that much?"
"Hello?!! Gang leader?!! Ex-con?!! Should I keep going??!!" 

I started laughing cause Jamal really got a way to say non-funny stuff and make it funny with those weird expressions and tones that he uses. 

"Not to mention, he gets so overprotective of you, I sometimes fear that he thinks we are together!!" He said. Just when I thought that I couldnt be laughing anymore, let me tell you, I exploded.
"Oh I'm sure he aint worried about that!" I said, laughing uncontrollably.
"Excuuuseee me?" He said, offended.

We got to Ruby's and then picked up Monse. We went to Dwaynes and had some dinner. It was fun.

"Guys, I gotta go. Its late on a school night, my ma wants me home to help her put the twins to bed" Ruby said.
"Gotta go too" Jamal said
"Me too. I gotta face time my dad so that he can see that Im home"
"Is he in one of his work road trips with the truck?" I asked
"Yea" Monse answered
"Can I sleep over? Its just, Im not in the mood to deal with my brothers" I said
"Yeah sure!" She said, sounding weird.

"Why did you say it like that?" I asked
"Like what?" She tried, but clearly, she isnt a great liar--She isnt even a decent liar.
"Like that. Cmon!" I said
"Well, god... Cesar was sleeping over today, but its fine really, I'll just tell him that we'll do it some other day" She said
"Oh my god!! Why does everyone prefer Cesar? First Oscar, now you!" I said, being the drama queen that I always be
"That aint true, i Dont prefer him!"
"Whatever you say, damn"

I understood her, of course she wanted her boyfriend to sleep over. But I wasnt giving up on the idea of not seeing Oscars face at least for that night, so, when the guys left and went home, I called SadEyes

"Hola amor" I said, smiling when he picked up
"What is it? Im with the homies" He said, nervously whispering.
"I dont wanna see my brothers fucking face so please tell me I can sleep over. I swear I'll make it up to you, if you know what I meannnn" I said, playfully.
"Sure thing babe. I'll pick you up in less than an hour, but it cant be any sooner. I dont want any of the homies to suspect anything"
"Alright. Thank you amor, bye"
"By babe. See you later"

I went outside to smoke a blunt and wait for him, and I ran into Jace.

"Hi Jace!" I said, excited
"Hi, Gabi. What up?" He asked
"Oh not much. Just waiting for a... friend"
"Friend?" He said, raising his eyebrow
"Well you already know what Im talking about"
"But hey listen. I know it is none of my business, but do you really wanna get involved with that guy? I dont know much about him, but as for what I've seen, he doesnt look like a nice guy to me"
"Trust me, he's really nice"
"Oh yea, I sure trust you with that" He said
"Why do I feel like you are judging me?" I said, starting to get annoyed
"Why would i fucking know?" He said, getting all defensive.
"Oh my fucking god, you ARE judging me! You've got no right!" I said
"Its not that I'm judging you, but I'm kinda feeling offended by the fact that you chose me once and you choose people like that later. I really hope you dont have a prototype, because I dont wanna have shit in common with a guy like that!"
"For Godsake Jace i didnt choose shit, I just fucked with you cause I was drunk, and horny, and you were cute. But right now im starting to regret it!"
"Look, whatever you say Gabi. But you are getting into some serious shit, be aware of that. Do you really want that type of lifestyle? All of the secrets, keeping things from your own brother?"
"Im the one thats getting into all of that. You dont need to worry, cause I dont wanna have shit to do with you either. I didnt take you as a judgy person, what a shame that you are the exact fucking same as everyone in fucking freeridge!!" I said, mad as ever
"I didnt think you were that dumb either. Cause a guy like that, he is never going to be what you deserve"

I just huffed and turned around, I just wanted to get away from him and his judginess, but I needed to say one more thing, so I turned around

"And for the record, he is the sweetest, the most kind, loyal, handsome person I know. Too bad you cant see past his tattoos and lifestyle. Forget about prom, also! Cause whatever was going on between you and me, its so over!!" I said, and left. He didnt say anything. At least I couldnt hear anything.

Sad Eyes called me like half an hour later and picked me up. I had to dry my tears before he saw me cause yes, I'd been crying. I dont know why, but I really cared about Jace's opinion. I didnt know him that much but I felt like we connected a lot and him judging me was really something that threw me off. I wiped that off my mind and focused on something more important: it was the first time that I was gonna be sleeping over at SadEyes's. I really wanted it to be nice, cause I was into him more than he could even know. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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