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"Oscar is telling me to get back to the house. Party's over, I guess" I said. I was still in SadEyes's car, hours later, rolling up a blunt.
"I'll drive you" He said
"How are we gonna explain this? It's better if I just walk" I said
"Where are you gonna tell Spooky you were?" 
"Dont know. Monse's, maybe. He doesnt care" I said, shrugging and lighting up the blunt.
"Where did you say YOU were?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. I figured the fact that he didnt attend to the party would be weird for my brother and his friends
"Dealing with something. Dont know, I'll think about it later. But I will drive you, at least for a little bit. I'll drop you off where he cant see you coming out of my car. But I cant let you walk alone"
"Listen, I dont wanna sound rude, but are you gonna be as overprotective as Oscar? Cause I have enough with one big brother, for real. I can walk alone, its no big deal"
"Look Gabriela, as long as you are mine, Im not letting anything happen to you, so yeah, I migh as well be overprotective with you. I dont care"

I raised my eyebrow, with a shocked smile, as I lit up the blunt. 

"Who the hell said I'm yours?" I laughed, sarcastically
"Well, I figured whatever is it we are gonna start together, I know for sure that I gotta be the only one youre seeing. I dont care if we gotta keep it a secret, thats fine with me, but the only one you will see as long as this goes on, has to be me"

I had to hide a smile. When he talked about starting something, and said the word together, I dont know why, but my heart felt so full. I wasnt gonna give it up so easily tho, so I played it cool. I passed the blunt to him, and opened the door.

"We'll see about that" I said, smiling playfully, getting out of the car. He rolled down his window, as I walked away.
"What are you doing?"
"Walking home. Its only a few blocks away, chill out. Ill be fine" I said, laughing while I walked, not looking at him. I heard him chuckle, I could only imagine him shaking his head, smiling, like he always does.  I turned around for a second, and said:
"Have a good night"
"You too, hermosa. I'll text you later" He said, and drove away, smiling. My smile couldnt be bigger. I didnt know what was up with me, but I was just so happy.

When I got home, there were still a few cholos hanging on my front door, sitting on that nasty old couch that they take outside when they hang out.

"Hey" I waved, passing past them. I wanted to see Oscar, to tell him I was home.
"Hey" They said, smiling. 
"Where's Spooky?" I asked. They all shrugged. The way that they are so careless about everything amazes me more and more everytime.

I got inside of the house and it stinked. All I could smell was weed and beer. Man, I hated this santo parties. Cesar was inside, with Monse.

"What are you guys doing here?" I said
"I just arrived" Monse told me
"And where is Oscar?" I said
"Dont know" Cesar said. I looked at my phone, it was already 2 in the morning.
"Dont you guys have school tomorrow?" I asked. I was suspended, but they werent.
"Yeah, but Im sleeping over" Monse said.
"You used to sleep over a lot, you know, but you used to do it at my room. But hey, fine by me, just know that you guys arent gonna be getting that much sleep if you know what I mean..." I said, laughing. They laughed, and suddenly I heard Oscars voice behind me.
"Those jokes aint funny" He said. I turned around, his face was scary.
"Yes they are, fool" I said, playfully smacking his arm. 

I did that because I supposed his scary face didnt have anything to do with me, but when he didnt laugh, not even a little, I became worried.

"Okay whats wrong? What did I do?" I said. He dragged me to the kitchen, with a very strong grip on my arm. 

"Hey easy! It fucking hurts! whats up with you?" I said, shaking my arm in order for him to let go of it, which he did.
"Why the hell did I find my homie Sad Eyes's wallet on you damn room? Whats going on with you two Gabriela? Huh?" He said, agresively. His eyes were black. When you piss off Oscar it gets a whole new level of scary. I tried to play it cool.
"What do you mean?" I said. My heart was racing
"You know damn well what I mean, no te hagas la loca. You better start explaining, cause I swear to God..." He started. I cut him off.
"La pregunta es, what the hell were you doing snooping through my room?" I said, pressing my finger against his chest
"First of all, dont change the subject. You answer me right now. And second, I wasnt fucking snooping around. I just came into your room looking for my black sweatshirt. Instead I found a deadass wallet from a grown man who happens to be my best homie, and should be doing shit in your room!" He shouted. Okay he was beyond pissed.
"Chill out Oscar. He wasnt in my room. The other day when you were all home, he asked if I could go to the store to buy some cigarrettes for him, while you where hanging here. I said I was underaged to do so, so he gave me his whole wallet so I could show the man his ID. They know eachother and if the man from the store knew they were for him, he would sell them to me. I agreed because I didnt have anything else to do, plus, if I bought that I would get to smoke some. Then I forgot to give it back. Thats it" I said

I really hate lying, cause I hate lyers and cause I know nothing good ever comes from lying, but I swear in that moment, it was either that or letting Oscar kill me slowly. I had no choice. Still, my story wasnt convincing, and he knows when I lie. He went quiet for a good ten seconds, looking at me, his eyebrow raised.

"You better not be lying to me right now Gabriela" He said. He was very damn serious, and I started to get scared.
"Oh my God Oscar, of course i'm not. What the hell were you thinking?" I said, relieved.
"You know it, I hate lies. Specially coming from you. So if I find out you were lying... You dont even wanna know. There better be nothing shady going on between you guys. I mean it, Gabby" He said. I nodded. 

"Go to bed. Is late on a school night" He said
"Im suspended" I said
"Well, either way go to bed" He said. He was being very cold, I didnt like it. I made my way out of the kitchen and when I was going up the stairs, he said something from the living room. I couldnt quite hear it.

"What did you say?" I asked. He came close
"I said, where were you tonight?" He asked
"With some random guys from my school" I said
"Is that it?" He asked
"Yes" I said

He didnt say anything else, just left. Where was he going so late at night? I dont know. But I was relieved. I wiped my makeup off and got into bed. I was very worried, not sure of what I had gotten myself into. But then, I looked at my phone and saw Sad Eyes's text.

"Reina, good night. See ya tomorrow 😘

I smiled, and despite everything, fell asleep happy.

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