16. Evergreen

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Arman ran his fingers nervously through his hair. He felt uneasy, waiting for King Dimitris's ship to arrive.

A lookout shouted and Arman saw the lights in the distance, gliding over the waters, coming closer.

"Where the fuck is he?" muttered Arman to himself.

He hadn't seen or heard from Wat since their conversation the previous evening.

Wat had not returned with Tine yet, nor was there any missive from Dernir. Arman prayed that no news was good news.

King Dimitris's ship dropped anchor and a smaller boat brought the landing party ashore.

Arman stepped forward to receive the King, saluting smartly.

"King Dimitris, the winds seemed to have favored you" he said, bowing low.

King Dimitris looked as though he'd aged ten years in two days.

"How is my son, did you see him, is he hurt in any way? Where's Zohrawat?"

Arman cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Your Majesty, as it happens...."

"I'm here, Your Majesty. Prince Vincentine is unharmed.

I received a raven from Dernir a few minutes ago confirming his well-being and asking for the parley to be held in an hour from now" said Wat, appearing from the shadows.

Arman's shoulders sagged with relief as he saw Wat in his uniform armour.

"Why is my brother still a prisoner? Why the fuck haven't you razed this bloody city to the ground yet? Has the Faateh blood run cold, or is he not worth the fight, Young Wolf?" demanded an angry voice from behind the King.

King Dimitris passed a hand over his tired eyes. "Type, watch your words, son. If anyone is to be blamed for this, it's me."

Wat glared at the stranger who had spoken. The man frowned back at him from beside King Dimitris.

Tall, fair, exceedingly handsome and very clearly Tine's brother in looks, though far from it in temperament, stood Crown Prince Valentype.

"Field Marshal Zohrawat, meet Prince Valentype, my older nephew and soon to be King of Phaedra.

He accompanied me to Antiope to surprise Tine. Excuse his belligerence, he's extremely agitated about his brother's capture" said King Dimitris, a tad mechanically, his mind firmly on Tine.

"If I were in your boots, Tine would have been warming his hands against the flames this damned place would be burning in.

I wouldn't let him be taken and do nothing about it" continued Type, his temper rising with his anxiousness for Tine's safety.

Wat remained silent about the happenings of the previous night.

Tine's decision to remain with his captor may have invited harsh judgement and disappointment from the others, and Wat couldn't let anyone think badly of Tine.

"Your Highness, your brother is everything to me. But there are other dice at play here and I would ask you to be patient for just a little while longer.

Lord Astepta will bring Tine to the parley with him. He will be reunited with us then" said Wat, doing his best to be civil.

It was extremely difficult, especially with the contemptuous looks that Type gave him.

"No thanks to you" muttered Type.

Wat reminded himself that Type was his Tine's brother, and that Tine wouldn't be very thrilled to find Type cut to ribbons.

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