July 2019

40 1 0

I'm trying to find a doctor right now, but I'm really freaked out. I finally booked our guidance counselor appointments though. So at least I've done something.

I've been looking through all these different reviews for doctors and they all seem good but most of them are older, and I feel like older doctors are usually more judge mental of younger parents. So now I'm having a yelling match in my head as I decide between two doctors. Both are female and look to be over the age of fifty, and both have amazing ratings especially in pregnancies with complications. They seem to know what they're doing, at least that's what the reviews make it seem like.

I decided to flip a coin, because that's how indecisive I am. Fuck I'm terrified. Like I'm already stressed out but then having a doctor possibly tell me I shouldn't be a parent? That might send me over the edge. I'm over reacting there's little to no chance a doctor would do that, they're a doctor, they're supposed to keep things professional.

Jesus I need to just relax and book the appointment

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