Told our dads

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Well we made dinner and planned this whole thing to tell our dads. It's the week before our senior year starts and we told them I'm pregnant.

We wanted to wait until we had everything planned, our schedules were worked out, we are both working and saving, we have a plan. We wanted to prove to them that we weren't going to let a pregnancy drag us down.

Everything started really well, good conversations everyone was laughing. But towards the end of dinner that's when the nerves started to catch up because yeah know it was now or never. I was most worried about telling my dad, with the whole divorce going on I know it would stress him out more.

But when he started asking about school I knew that was the moment. So we said it, told them that I'm pregnant. His dad didn't act out of the ordinary, surprised but not angry, he was just processing. My dad didn't really go through the processing phase he went straight to angry.

Started shouting at me telling me I better go get my stuff out of the house before he gets there.

God it was horrible, I've never felt so panicked.
I was crying and trying to drive... it was just terrible. But I got some of my stuff, and went back to Xavier's.

We talked to his dad, he let us explain what we've done and how long we've known. I mean obviously he wasn't happy but at least he listened.

It sucks that he reacted that way and I'm honestly heart broken but he's been gone on so many work trips the past couple years it won't be much different. He's almost always gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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