Doctor appointment reflection

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The beginning of the appointment was horrible. Absolutely terrible. The doctor did everything I was afraid of. She yelled and told us we should abort, that we aren't capable of taking care of a child since we're still children ourselves.

Xavier stood up though, he told her he wants to know if me and the baby are healthy and that's all we came there for. But she spat back that with us as parents the baby won't be healthy. Luckily there was another doctor available and the receptionist was very nice to us and shoved how horrible of a doctor the first woman was in her face. So that was kind of nice.

Our second doctor is amazing, we've decided she'll be our doctor, or at least her team will be our team. She's a young doctor that actually was also a young mom, but she finished med school and is now married and has four kids. She was very encouraging.

She even told us that nothing is impossible, we'll just have to work a little harder. And that we shouldn't let others opinions get in the way of our success. She was a very lovely woman and it made the day a lot better to hear those things, especially from a woman that had been in our shoes and is now a doctor.

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