August 1 2019

36 1 0

I just booked out first prenatal appointment, I didn't even know we had to do these I thought it was only ultra sounds. Guess that shows how little I really know. It's for next Friday, I hope Everything goes well. I've read all these stories of young parents not being taken seriously and I'm terrified, what if our doctor is a total dick? What if the baby isn't healthy? What if im not healthy?

I have so much running through my head right now I can't even stand up.

Maybe I should talk to Xavier about all my worries, he has always been good at calming me down, talking me out of the overthinking cycle I seem to always be in. But I also don't want to stress him out, we can't both be super stressed out. What ''em I kidding were both wrecks, I'm barely eighteen and I'm pregnant Xavier isn't even eighteen and neither of us have our high school diplomas.

But as long as I act like I have my shit together I'll be okay, I just have to make a plan. Money is going to be a big thing so I have to figure that out, then once I figure that out then I can focus on other stuff. I still need to talk to him about getting a second job more. I brought it up and Xavier seemed on board but we both need to start looking.

Just so much to do.

Appointment : aug 9, 11am

Ella 's Little JournalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz