Chapter 5

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We walked into school with our hands intertwined, Lynn was looking forward and I was looking at her. Her nose twitched and I giggled silently. She was always smiling, every moment of the day. We got closer to the front door and I asked Lynn what period she had now, "Oh, umm I don't know" she replied. "Then why were so eager to go to school?" I asked confused. She looked at me and tried to find the right words to word her answer. "Well," she paused for a second and continued "I have Study Hall next period, didn't wanna miss it" she smiled and looked away, I saw a glimpse of anxiety in her expression.

"What were you planning to do in Study Hall?" I asked worriedly. She pouted and stopped walking. She turned to me and hugged me. "I made a few friends, well actually one, Brian MacDonald. He's a junior and he wanted to hang with me today. I just got here I don't wanna screw things up with the only friend I have" she wined and tried to change topic by asking "Do you have other animals, other than Sparrow?"

Brian MacDonald was the biggest 'troublemaker' in the whole school, he was supposed to be a senior this year but stayed behind. There was a rumor going that he was a drug dealer, but in our school, there was a rumor like that about everyone. In my freshman year, someone made a rumor that I was a prostitute, which I obviously wasn't. But Brian was a real 'Bad Boy'. He ditched a lot of school, never listened to his teachers, lived alone, and they say he was also a smoker.

When Lynn told me he was her friend, I was in total shock and was even a little panicked. "Why don't you come hang out with me and a bunch of my friends, meet us at the library." I smiled at her and saw her happy face turn a little cold. "Or not, whatever you choose" I said, attempting to bring that beautiful smile back on her face and succeeded. She walked closer to me and kissed me I pulled away and said "You just broke your promise" she giggled, cupped my face in her hands and kissed me again, I kissed her back and smiled.


The bell rang, telling us to go to our next period, I opened one of my eyes and saw a few kids already outside. "Lynn" I whispered as I tried to pull away, "Lynn" I said louder. She let me go and asked me whats wrong. "People" I said, "Yea, what about them?" she asked me, confused. I took her hand and pulled her into and empty classroom that I knew wouldn't be used at this period. "What are we doing here?" she inquired, I smirked and walked a step closer to her. "What?" she chuckled. I put a finger to my lips and whispered "Shhh". She covered her mouth to hold in her laughter. "We have to be quiet so the teachers won't catch us" I mouthed and she chuckled. I moved closer to her and looked up at her beautiful, tired face. I ran my finger on the circles beneath her eyes. She pulled me closer to her and kissed me silently. Her soft lips touched mine and sparks flew everywhere. We kissed for another minute or two. I pulled away to catch my breath. As I reached out my hands to cup her face, my phone buzzed.

I sighed and lifted a finger into the air, "One second, I have to take this"

"Alex, what the hell is so important that you had to interupt me right now?" I said quietly, with annoyance in my voice.

Alex was a really good friend of mine, we started hanging out in 7th grade and never stopped ever since, we even dated for a while in 8th grade until I came out to him and told him I'm lesbian. He accepted me completely, unlike a bunch of other friends that are now strangers. Alex was also a good friend of Dane's, that is how I met him.

"Calm down, Lex" he said in his quiet, soothing voice.

"Sorry, what is it?" I said, more relaxed.

"Where are you? We were supposed to meet at the library, Study Hall remember?" I slapped myself and murmered "Shit" under my breath.

"I'm coming, like, right now. Just don't go yet." I grabbed Lynn by the wrist and rushed through the halls to the library, still on the phone wih Alex.

Every time we had Study Hall, I would meet with Dane, Alex, Lacy, Haley and Jenn and we would go to hang out in the city near us, Lowell.

I turned to the B Wing with Lynn behind me. "Brian!" she said and stopped in her place. I turned around and saw her talking to Brian, he had short dark hair, cute freckles and.. What am I doing? I shouldn't be complementing him! I shook my head and focused on Lynn. She was smiling and laughing as she chatted with him. I caught her eyes and signaled her to come, she nodded slightly and gave me a glare. "Hey Brian, why don't you come with me and Alexa. We're going to the library." She asked him, fear washed the expression on my face and I felt numb. Brian turned around to look at me. "Alexa! You're Dane's bestie aren't ya?" He asked sarcastically, I laughed nervously. "Sure, yea I'll come." He smiled a sly smile at me and walked with us. I held the door for Brian and Lynn to enter the library and closed it behind me.

I arrived at the table where my friends sat. Hayley and Jenn were in a deep debate about how Billy Idol is better than Queen. Dane was on his phone and Alex and Lacy were waiting eagerly for me. Alex saw me walking towards them and got up, he touched Lacy's shoulder and she saw me too. I got to him and gave him a friendly bro hug.

"Alexa" he said in a cold voice, "What is he doing here?" He asked pulling away. "Oh umm guys this is Lynn, she's a freshman and umm we're kind of dating" I held her hand and she smiled at everyone. Dane looked up and recognized her "Oh hey there! You're the girl from last night, goddamn you're strong" he chuckled. Hayley, Lacy, and Jenn looked at me and then at Lynn and then Lacy said "take care of her, if you break her heart I break your face." Lynn squeezed my hand and blushed, I giggled and hugged her. "Come on girls! Get a room" Dane said jokingly.

"Oh hey! Dane! How are you doing on this warm, summer day?" Brian said sarcastically. Everyone turned to him. Dane pulled me to the side and asked me "What is he doing here?!" He asked nervously. I calmed him down and sat him at a different table. "Look, he's Lynn's only friend here and, he's really nice with her actually. Just please try, for me"

Brian would bully Dane throughout middle school, it got better in high school and Brian stopped but he was still a jerk. That's the main reason I hated him.

Dane held his head in his hands, sighed and said "Okay, but you still owe me and the boys for last night" I nodded and replied "I know. I'll make it up to you. I'm gonna try get a gig at the city for tonight, okay?" He smiled at me and we walked back to the group.

"You ready guys?" Alex asked, we all nodded. I took Lynn's hand and we walked to Jenn's big SUV. Dane chatted with Brian beside me and they were actually getting along. I smiled to myself and looked out the window.

Stay.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora