Chapter 14

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Peter looked at Lynn and smiled a big, goofy smile that was too big for his face. Lynn put her hands behind her head and chuckled, "Let's do it" she said with a smirk and looked at me.

A big, old, red pick-up truck with its paint peeling off was standing there in front of us on that table. I didn't know what was going on, but then I remembered 'destroy something BIG'.

Peter walked over to a table with tools spread all over it. He picked up a few big hammers and handed them to us. He put on a pair of protection glasses and gloves. And gave us gloves, too.

We put them on and I held my hammer with a tight grip. I felt my heart beat fast, I focused on my breathing and closed my eyes.

I don't know how long I was standing there with my eyes shut, but apparently it was quite a while. I opened my eyes quickly and jumped a step backward when I heard glass break. I looked over at the truck and saw Lynn and Peter smashing the car's windows with gigantic grins on their faces.

Lynn looked at me and motioned me to come join them, "Come on," she said "Don't be shy. It's fun," Lynn giggled and started smashing one of the doors.

I walked over to them and began waving my hammer all over and smashing holes into the bumper of the vehicle.

We were doing this for around half an hour when Peter suggested to take a break. "I agree," Lynn said and sunk in an old arm-chair that stood a foot or so away. I nodded my head in agreement and sat on Lynn's lap.

"Do you want a Capri-sun?" He asked, looking into a mini fridge in front of him. "Yes!" Lynn shouted and I chuckled. Peter giggled and threw her a berry flavored one. "Do you want one, too?" He asked me politely, I nodded and smiled.

We drank our Capri-Suns for a while and chatted a bit about this and that and then walked back to the car and continued smashing.

I was having so much fun, well we all were, and decided to 'capture the moment' as they say. I threw my hammer to the arm chair Lynn and I sat on a while back and took my phone out of my pocket.

"Ahhhh!" I heard someone scream, it was a female and I was pretty definitive that I knew her.

I looked up from my phone and saw Lynn laying on the floor with a small puddle of thick, red liquid coming from the back of her head. Peter was kneeling over her, shaking her by the shoulders and calling her name. "Lynn?" He said, panicking. "Lynn! Lynn can you hear me?!"

I felt my world spin as I ran towards her. I fell to my knees and supported myself with a table standing beside me. "Lynn?" I said quietly. I held my head with my hands and looked around the floor. Beside the puddle of what I guessed was blood I saw a hammer. My hammer. The hammer I used to smash the car. The hammer I threw to the arm chair to take a picture.

I looked at the arm chair and saw it completely empty. I looked back at Lynn with a glimpse of panic and fear in my eyes.

She had her eyes closed. One of her hands were stuck to her bruise on her head. She was covered in blood, but Lynn could never not be beautiful. Her skin was a little pale, but still had that tan tone to it.

"Call an ambulance!" Peter screamed, as he tried to stop the blood that kept oozing out of her wound. I nodded continuously and looked around for my phone.

I found it on the floor with its screen completely shattered. I picked it up and tried turning it on but got no response from it, the screen stayed black.

"Peter, my phone is broken. I need yours." I said. I looked at Peter and he nodded at me. I walked back to Lynn and took his place, hovering over Lynn's beautiful body. He got up and searched for his phone. He came back after a few seconds and handed it to me. I took the phone from him and called 9-1-1.

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