what do the lonely do at christmas?

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"Of all people. Had to be Patterson" Reggie rolls his eyes as he leans against the locker beside mine which belongs to him.

I laugh as I close the locker and sigh, "What else can y'a do? When he sets his mind to something, he follows through" I strain my words at the thoughts of our call last night.

Reggie groans and rolls his eyes, "It's Patterson though. You remember elementary school-"

"When you three were the popular kids on the play ground and everyone bowed down to your feet? Then everything that happened in middle school? Yeah I remember" I cut Reggie off as we start walking to our homeroom.

His arm goes around my waist and I laugh. Reggie's ace which means he dosent feel sexual attraction to anyone, sex isn't his thing. He often does little flirty things without realizing what it may look like to outside viewers.

This boys love language is defiantly touch.

"How does it feel to finally not be single on the holiday people don't like to be single on?" I ask as we sit down at our period one lab benches.

"I think I had a stroke understanding you- You mean Christmas? How does it feel to be in a relationship on Christmas?" Reggie chuckles.

"Yeah that"

Reggie shrugs as he looks across the room to his boyfriend, "Weird. I mean people don't know we're together just due to the homophobic nature of this world... and our parents"

"But your out to your mother and she supports you. She took you to pride and got you that biro-ace flag" I whisper as our teacher, Mr.Fin, walks into the room.

"My father doesn't know and would disown me if he did and well- his parents are so close to kicking him out it isn't funny" Reggie sighs, "I wish I could help him"

I pout and place my hand on his, "My fathers offer still stands. You can stay with us. I mean you've been around through everything"

"I'll think about it. Don't think this is a no" Reggie bumps my arm as the teacher starts talking at the front.

Spare period. Me and Reggie have the same schedule which is amazing so we often spend second in the library getting homework or assignments done.

"Discuss with a partner and write an essay on your favourite aspects of the Christmas season" I read off the English assignment outline, "They're kidding us right?"

"Mx. Johnson never kids. Have you seen them? They give zero fucks" Reggie chuckles as he fills out the last parts of a lab analysis.

"I'm totally and utterly screw-" I trail off as I see a taller, blond, walking towards us, "Oh hey Alex"

Alex Mercer. He's alright. Never knew him to well but Reggie and Luke do. Five eleven, he him pronouns, very open about his sexuality and I feel like we could relate to eachother. Quite smart, runs like a million different clubs too. I think he's even student body president. I might be wrong though.

Anyways, Alex pulls up a chair across from Reggie and I with a small smile, "I absolutely can't complete this lab" He rolls his eyes, "Reg what did you get" Oh and he's in our science class.

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