santa tell me

370 27 25


I walk into English class to find the flustered Luke sitting at our desk. His foot tapping at the speed of sound as he blankly stares at the wall across the room. His mind seemingly spinning at a million miles a minute.

"Luke" I say softly as I walk over to him. His head snapping towards me and it almost seems like he relaxes. His foot stops moving and his tight shoulders drop more to a slouch.

He clears his throat and smiles, "Hey. Come on, let's get to work"

I roll my eyes as I take my seat beside him. "So. The Christmas holidays" I almost puke thinking about it. But clearly Luke dosent feel the same. His face just lights up when he hears the word.

"Three best things. Go" He points a pen at me. His personality almost shifting to the polar opposite.

"Uhhh. Nothing" I laugh.

"Why nothing? Come on there has to be something" He stresses his words as he writes down a couple things on a paper. "Personally. The decorations, the gathering and events... we could probably group that together. Oh and bring with the people you love. Easy"

I roll my eyes and hold my breath to stop myself from throwing up, "I hate Christmas ok? It brings back bad memories that I don't like to think about"

Luke looks at me for a moment with a hint of sorrow in his eyes, "What happened?"

"Nothing" I mumble. Why should I tell him? My mom died and it was her favourite holiday, no big deal.

"Ok but we still gotta do this assignment" He pushes the paper slightly forward, "You can't not do this just because you don't want to"

I just need to get him off my back, maybe come up with a little excuse. With a sigh, I come up with something quickly, "I don't know. Ive always been single on holidays, never had people to celebrate with. When I get I see my Abuelo and Abuela, it's the same thing every year"

"Asking you where the boyfriend is? I get the same- except asking about a girlfriend" He chuckles, twirling his pen around his finger.

I nod, technically it's not a lie, they constantly ask when they're going to meet my boyfriend. "They've been obsessed with my dating life since my mother passed away-" My mouth shuts as we make eye contact with eachother. My heart rate picking up and a sorrowful look on his face.

"Your mother- oh my god-"

I take his face between my hands and place my hand over his mouth, "Stop it. Stop. Just don't- don't say anything ok?"

Luke whacks my hands off and pushes me back, "I'm sorry ok? I can empathize in a way..." He whispers as we start getting a couple looks from the other groups.

Luke and I make awkward eye contact for a moment before I sigh, "They always compare me to my mother. My family. They always tell me how a beautiful girl like myself shouldn't have a hard time getting a boy friend. Not to mention all of the 'when your mother was your age' comments I get" Ok maybe their comments about my relationship statuts do get to me a little-

Luke sighs, "Yup. I get that. I have dinner with my grandparents in a couple nights and I'm not looking forward to it. My... father... is a literal doctor and I get shit on for not living up to their standards. If I had just one little- one thing to up the game"

I breathe out and pout my lip, "I get that"

Awkward silence again.

"So" Luke strains his words, "Maybe we should just work on this later. We aren't gonna get any work done today. Maybe meet up at your place?"

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