debbie downer on christmas

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luke's pov

Slowly, like two opposite charged magnets, we lean in ever so slightly. My heart races at a million miles my eyes flutter shut as I realize she isn't backing away. Soon enough, my lips blindly meet hers.

It's like nothing I ever imagined. Her lip sweet like sugar and cherry. Her kiss so innocent and oblivious.

Her first kiss.

My hands cup her cheeks in a gentle way, I'm scared if I make one wrong move she'll panic. Her hands rest in a tight grip on my shoulder.

Julie leans up further, deepening the kiss which I never want to end. Her hands travel up to the back of my neck to keep me there, not like I want to leave. She twists a strand of hair on the nape of my neck around her finger and a deep moan escapes my lips, catching me off guard completely. I never realized how much control this girl really has over me.

Then it makes me remember, I can't do this. I'm falling hard and I don't want my heart to break. She dosent love me the way I feel about her. She probably dosent even want this kiss.

Quickly enough, I break the kiss and stumble back a little. Both of us breathing heavily to catch our breath but neither of us saying a word. Julie's finger trails up to my lip and traces over it with her thumb, "Julie" I whisper, unsure what to say.

She just nods and I know I have to end this before either of our hearts shatter, "This has to end" I shake my head and breathe out.

"What do you mean?" She forces a laugh while rubbing her palms against her bare legs.

"I mean- it's over" I look to the ground, making eye contact with her would break me but I know it's only fair to her, "I can't do this anymore Julie"

Julie hops off the counter and just explodes at me, "What the actual fuck" She exclaims. Her voice still lowered to not wake the attention others. "You fucking jerk"

"Julie you can't be like this" My heart shatters over and over while watching her water line fill.

"I can. You just put me through some of the worst few days of my life and now, now you're trying to end it all because it's convient? What-" Julie hits my chest lazily "the-" She pushes me again, "FUCK"

I take her wrists and push her back, not hard but with similar, lazy, force to hers. "Go to hell Patterson. Have fun explaining to the girls where I went"

"What are you talking about?" I step forward and she backs up slightly.

"I'm leaving. I'm not going to stay here after we just 'broke up'. Happy holidays and go to hell Luke" Before I get the chance to say anything else, she runs off. In a matter of minutes I hear the front door slamming shut.

That was the hardest thing I've ever fucking done. I fucked up. I fucked up big time.

a week later

I lay in bed. That's all I've done since that night, sleep. I can't bring myself to do anything for anyone, even myself.


I look up and standing at my door is Alex. His arms crossed and he dosent look happy, "Hey, who let you-"

"Carrie. We need to talk" He walks over and sits on the bed.

I sit up and shrug, "Why's that?"

"You're broken dude. She's broken"

I raise an eyebrow and almost laugh, "How is she broken? She never cared about me the way I loved her"

"Yes yes, you've been in love with her since the first grade, I've been firsthand witness to you simping for her" He scoffs.

"I've never simped for her" I scoff as I roll my eyes at him dramatically.

"Ok then" Alex reaches forward and quickly snatches my phone, "Then you wouldn't mind me checking your phone"

"Alex no!" I reach forward but he's to quick and already sees it, "I'm not a simp"

"Oh really?" He holds my phone forward and I look away, knowing what he's showing me.

"Oh really?" He holds my phone forward and I look away, knowing what he's showing me

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"When did you get that?" He asks, looking at it with a soft smile.

"On FaceTime the other night" I say softly, "She was doing her nails"

Alex looks back at the phone then hands it over, "Charge your phone dude"

"Yeah yeah whatever. Is that it?"

"No" Alex grabs his own phone, "You think your relationship with Julie meant nothing?"

"To her atleast" I roll my eyes.

"Then why does she think you never cared about her?"

I laugh and raise an eyebrow, "Pardon?"

"Reggie has been over every day this last week, making sure she's ok. Julie has been broken"

I sit up straight and my jaw lowers, "I need to tell you something"

"Oh?" Alex looks confused, "What's going on?"

I take a deep breath and let it out, breaking yet another rule of Julie and my agreement. Don't tell people. "It was all fake. Our relationship? Fake"

Alex sits confused for a moment before laughing, like actually laughing, "Did- did you guys really think that would work?"

"I- what?" I am shocked at his reaction.

"Have neither of you read a book or watched a movie with that troupe? They always fall in love you idiot" Alex flicks my forehead and I wince on pain.

"Well when you put it that way-"

"I'm right. I'm always right. You're just a dumbass" Alex flicks my forehead again but this time I don't fight it.

"So what do I do? She dosent think I like her after I... after I told her we're done" I sigh as my hands rub against my face.

"How do those romance movies always end?" Alex raises an eyebrow.

"The guy makes a grand love confession?"

"Exactly! Get your ass up and go get your girl" Alex shoves my shoulder.

"IM NOT THAT KIND OF GUY!" I exclaim, my hands going above my head.

Alex laughs and pouts his lip, "You make a fair point... so what do you suggest?"

"A less grand love conf-"


"Ok maybe brainstorm later?" I sigh.

"Yeah, maybe later"


Final chapter tomorrow 🥺

next chapter:
"Merry Christmas, my love"

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