new years day

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"Hey Luke?" I shout from the bathroom, getting my makeup done all nice and golden for tonight. "Do you know where my engagement ring is?"

"You took it off while cooking" Luke pokes his head through the doorway, "Here" I take the ring back and put it back on my finger.

"Thanks. I think I had a mini heart attack" I laugh as Luke walks in and leans against the twin sink beside me. A light blue dress shirt, black tie and pants lay perfectly on his defined body.

"You look hot, mamas- hey, you want me to tighten your skirt? It's a little loose" He walks behind me and touches my waist, catching my breath.

"You look hot, mamas- hey, you want me to tighten your skirt? It's a little loose" He walks behind me and touches my waist, catching my breath

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"Uh NO!- no no no. I'm good" I back up and smile, "Just- I like it being a little loose- also don't call me mamas"

"Oh sorry, you usually don't mind" He pushes some hair to the side and kisses my neck softly.

"I like it-" I turn around, "-just not today, alright?" I take his cheeks in my hands and kiss his lips softly.

"Alright baby-"

"Maybe stop it with the pet names. Julie is good"

Luke raises an eyebrow and laughs, "Alright- Julie... that feels off"

I peck his lips and take his hands, "Let's get going, this party ain't going to party itself"

"Alright ba- Julie"

"JULIE! YOU CAME" I'm ambushed by the arms of my brother- by Reggie. "I missed you!"

I kiss his cheek and laugh, "It's been less than a week!" I shout over the loud music.

"Where's Luke?" He asks as I'm brought into the kitchen where it's less crazy and clamoured.

"Parking the car. Hey look- I need to tell you something important and I'm kinda freaking out" I laugh as I look around.

Reggie raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms, "Oh?"

"Yeah. Uh Reggie I-" A pair of arms warp around my stomach and I laugh, knowing who it is, "Hey girlie"

"JULIE!" Carrie exclaims as she kisses my cheek and walks around to stand beside me, "It's great to see you sis!"

I laugh, "How far along are you now?" I gesture to her stomach and raise an eyebrow.

"Twenty six weeks" Alex cuts in from behind Reggie with a laugh.

"Y'a know, you're not making things easy on me? I am a lesbian carrying a gay couples baby, I want this baby" She groans, leaning back on the counter.

"We agreed that you could still be Mama Care!" Reggie's hands fo up as Carrie starts laughing.

"I'm fine, I don't actually want this kid. They're being a little jerk and kicking the crap out of my ribs. Flynn's gonna carry OUR baby" She laughs through her words. "Hey, where are my siblings?"

"Luke was parking last I saw him but that was kinda a while ago" I shrug.

"Noël couldn't make it but sends love from... Costa Rica, I believe" Luke finally shows up and Carrie is quick to jump into his arms. "Hey Bear" He laughs.Everyone does their hellos and such as I stand to the side.

"Want something to drink?" Luke walks over with two drinks after everyone's dispersed into the party.

"Whatcha get?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Think it's called a Swedish Berry. Basically, sweet rum and vodka" He laughs as he takes a sip of his own. My eyebrow raises and he looks defeated, "It's a Canadian thing- hey you ok?"

My nose is scrunched at the simple smell. It's sweet, I usually love sweet. "I think I wanna go home for the hall to drop. I'm not feeling to well"

"Ok ok yeah. Let's get out of here then" His hand goes on my lower back as we start making our way out

"Hey, you remember that assignment we were supposed to do during our senior year?" Luke laughs as we turn on some TV.

"Yeah why?"

"We never did it" He laughs, leaning his head back against the couches cushion.

"Shit... well that's in the past" I chuckle. I hold out my right hand and smile at the ring Luke gave me all those years ago, "You know what?" I look back at Luke, shifting to lay between his legs.

"What's that?" He kisses my cheek as the beginning of 'Love Actually' starts playing.

"We've been together for how long?"

"Counting or not counting the... like three days we pretended to date?" Luke clarifies.

I glare at him and laugh, "Ten years and six days actually together.  Since then, we've gotten engaged" I look down at the diamond engagement ring resting on my finger. "We adopted little Peppermint" I point to the sleeping golden retriever puppy beside us, "We've done so much together. So much"

"Yet we've been engaged for three years and no wedding?" He laughs, knowing why we haven't taken the time to plan anything.

"I have one more Christmas gift for you" I get up and walk into our bedroom, grabbing an envelope and coming back.

"What's this?" He chuckles as I lay back in my previous position.

"Just open it" I kiss his lips quickly with a small smile.

Luke looks skeptical but opens the envelope. His eyes widening with a tear pricking within, "You're joking"

"I'm not" I laugh as he drops the photo onto the couch.

Luke takes my cheeks in his hand and presses a hard kiss to my lips

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Luke takes my cheeks in his hand and presses a hard kiss to my lips. His tears mixing with mine out of happiness, "I'm gonna be a father?"

"No it's Reggie's- yes you're going to be a father"

My forehead rests against his as his hands rest on my stomach, "How long have you known?"

"A week. Started getting sick a month ago. Carrie's held onto the test since, just in case you might have found it" I laugh as we just enjoy each other's hold.

The sound of fireworks ring out our apartments window, seeing large bursts of colour. Pink, blue, yellow and greens spark through the air. I check the time and in seconds, it was midnight.

Luke takes my chin in between his fingers and he kisses my lips, soft and sweet, "Happy New Years Mr. Claus"

Our smiles wide upon each others lips as the pops and wheezes of fireworks flood the, now colourful, night sky, "Happy New Years Mrs. Clause"

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