Roy opened his eyes and blinked a little, looking around for a second. He wasn't in his office on the couch, nor his own bedroom, or the Elric's couch. Where was he? He felt something laying over him and he turned around to see Riza's sleeping face. His eyes widened for a second but he looked at his hands and realized that he not the age he thought he was. I forgot... Good thing though or I could never forget this. he thought as he turned around in Riza's arm and just stared at her.

Looking at her without having to put up airs, he could marvel at the fact that she was a very beautiful woman, full of honor and love. He knew that if he just had the guts or the time, he would definitely like to be with her more than job level. She knew him inside and out, his weaknesses and strengths, and she was already loyal to him. Roy closed his eyes though, knowing that none of the feelings he had for her could truly be the same from her. She was with him out of a promise and a sense of duty, nothing more.

Riza opened her brown eyes, staring at black ones. If they weren't so young, she would have thought she had gotten drunk but she remembered what had happened and smiled at her superior.

"Good morning, Colonel."


"It looks like we were wrong about that doctor." She said with a small smile.

Roy's eyebrows furrowed for a second and he looked back at himself. It looked like he had returned to his early teens from the day before and lifted an eyebrow.

"I guess something must have gotten mixed up." He said.

Riza nodded a little and pulled her arm from around his waist to touch his forehead.

"Your fever has gone down significantly. You're still warm though."

"I have things I need to do at the office." Roy said, turning over and sitting up on the edge of the bed. He stretched and then stood. "I would like to go back to work and get my papers."

Riza sat up on her elbow and Roy looked back and his jaw almost hit the floor. He hadn't expected Riza, his tough and sometimes violent subordinate, to wear a very silky and sexy nightie when she went to bed. Not to mention the fact that one of the straps was hanging off of her shoulder. He blinked at the unexpected surprise.

As did Riza.

"COLONEL!" she yelled, pulling the sheets over herself.

Roy blinked and realized what had happened, his face going all shades of red that could be imagined.

"Riza- I- It's... I'm..." he stammered, holding his hands over his private area in complete embarrassment. "I'm thirteen, Riza! It happens!" he finally yelled, his face flushed to the color of Ed's jacket.

He rushed out of the room and slammed the bathroom door closed.

Riza stared where he had been and then finally started giggling uncontrollably into the sheets. The combination of everything made it so much funnier than it should have been. She felt sorry for her superior for having to go through his pubescent times all over again and from the way he was as an adult, she could understand his inability to control himself in his teens if it was hard enough for him as an adult. After laughing, Riza felt bad about it so she got up, making sure to put a robe on, and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Colonel? Colonel I'm not mad; it just took me by surprise."

She waited for a second when the door cracked and she saw Roy's black eye.

"Are you dressed appropriately?"

"Yes, I have a robe on."

He opened the door and looked down as if he had done a horrible thing and Rize felt bad for him.

Backwards🪭↩️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon