Roy wrapped the small blanket around him and closed his eyes for a little nap on the couch in his office. He had been feeling tired for a while now and just wanted a little shut eye. He was happy that he had gotten the pill so he could have a decent night's sleep without worrying whether or not he would regress or not. Just as he was getting calm and really starting to head toward REM sleep, the door opened and his eyes shot open.



The door closed and he sighed, turning over to see who it was that was disturbing him. It was Hawkeye and he sat up.

"What is it, Lieutenant?"

"Are you alright?"

"I just wanted a little shut eye. Is that a problem?"

"No... it's just, with these past events, I was making sure that you were still alright."

Roy rolled his eyes. "Please, I think I can handle things. What is it?"

Riza made a face but sat on the table in front of the couch.

"Dr. Striker called and said that he had some results about your blood work. He wants us to go down to the lab."

"Great! Now we can finally get to the bottom of this-"

"Sir, I'm requesting that you stay here and let Edward and I go."

Roy stared at her intently for a moment and leaned forward on his hands that were beside him.

"I am going to assume you have a reason for this?"

"Considering the fact that the past three times you've been there, things have not gone right when you came back. I feel as if someone is targeting you, sir, and I want to be able to do my duty and protect you. If you write out a letter stating that you allow that doctor to tell Ed and I your health status..."

"I personally don't see what the big deal is. He's getting the blood work so that he can make me something to get me back to normal. Why do you keep making me wait?"

"I'm doing it for your own good, Colonel. If someone is targeting you, you not being there will only foil their plots against you for the moment but will also give us the time to see if that's true." Riza grabbed Roy's hands and looked at him. "I only want to protect you, Colonel."

Though Roy didn't like it, he knew that Riza would only do something like this if she truly felt that there was something to fear. He sighed and nodded and she smiled, pulling her hands from his.

"Great. I'll go find Ed and you can stay with Jean until we get back."

"I don't appreciate you telling others about my situation."

"Well, I had no choice. I want you to be watched by someone we all trust and Jean is the next under me, am I not right, sir?"


"In that case, if anything happens, he will be there for you."

Roy really didn't like the idea that he couldn't be there when the blood results were given but he trusted his lieutenant with his life and this situation concerned it. He got up and went to his desk, grabbing a pen and paper to write a letter of consent.


"Do you really think that someone is targeting the Colonel?" Edward asked as they drove to the laboratory.

"I truly think so. We won't know until we go to get the results, but I am 80% certain that someone is targeting the Colonel for some reason."

"I wonder what for? He hasn't been doing anything unsavory, has he? Like looking up the skirts of the natives in other countries or something, right?" Edward said with a laugh.

Backwards🪭↩️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora