Although Roy was hungry, whatever this slop that the hospital was serving was not part of his mental menu. He pushed the tray away from him, trying not to vomit from the smell of nasty cafeteria food. If not for the pills he had taken beforehand, the cafeteria food at headquarters was enough to make him vomit then so he didn't really see the military hospital doing any better.

He was ready to get out of the hospital in general; he wasn't fond of them. Plus, he kept getting people peeking at him, the regressing colonel or something. He was surprised that this hadn't gotten to the top and the Fuhrer hadn't said something...

"Colonel Mustang?"

Roy looked up as a nurse stuck her head in and smiled. She walked in and stood at the foot of his bed.

"I'm happy to tell you that the doctor said that you could go home now. Do you have someone to come and get you or do I need to call for someone?"

Roy sighed. "I'll have to have someone come and get me. Do you have any clothes that are suitable for me?"

The nurse pointed to a set of folded clothes that was on the window sill.

"The Fullmetal Alchemist brought those for you. He said they should fit you whenever you leave."

Roy was a bit skeptical about what Edward may have brought him. The nurse left and Roy slipped out of the bed, misjudging how far away the floor was from him and ended up sprawled out on the floor. He cursed under his breath and wanted to cry at how short he was. He sighed and went over to the window sill, pulling the clothes down.

He took off the hospital clothes and stuck the new clothes on, feeling like an idiot. They were kid's clothes...

"Damn you, Fullmetal... These are your clothes!" he growled to the air.

He wanted nothing more than to burn the clothes off of him but it was all he had at the moment. He would make Riza buy him some different ones when he got back home.

The door opened and the nurse stuck her head back into the room.

"Oh, there you are. I was just going to tell you that I called Headquarters and they said they will be sending someone to come and get you if you wanted to wait out in the front."

"Okay, thanks... Has anything come back on my results?"

"No. He said that since you've gotten your strength back, you can leave. He will give you a call when the results come in. Though he said to make sure you're aware that you are not to get near that doctor or anything about him again, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know..." he said, leaving the room.


As Roy waited for someone to come get him, he looked longingly at the ledge that was above him. He wanted to sit down but he didn't want to do it on the stairs and get in everyone's way and so the elevated flower beds above him with the ledges would be just great... if he could get up there. When no one was looking, he decided to try and run and jump to see if he could grab the ledge and get onto it. He failed miserably and he clenched his scuffed fists angrily.

"I hate being little!" he growled.

"Aw, what's wrong little guy?"

Roy turned around and saw a very nice looking woman looking at him curiously. Even though it hurt his pride even more, he decided to act the innocent and get onto that ledge.

"I'm waiting for my bwother but I want to see him so I wanted to get on that wedge but I'm too wittle." He said, scuffing his foot for emphasis.

The lady smiled and picked him up quickly and set him on the ledge.

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