Chapter 4

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Time Skip to middle school( cause I don't know what to do with elementary school kids)

The past 4 years weren't that eventful, I learnt how to properly memorise aura's in about 2 years.

I need to copy the ability like 20 times and I can just do that in about a minute, after doing that I just remember it without any worry. So that is fun

I also learnt how to use Aura manipulation in a few other ways to, one being the ability to manipulate the aura of people I touch. 

I can either, enhance their ability or suppress it and i also learnt how to use aura manipulation as just energy. With all the abilities I have now, it wasn't that necessary but I might need it in the future.

I also trained my physical body cause a ability can boost more if the base is strong, I continued practicing kick boxing and and mma to the degree i did in my past life and I have certainly gotten better at it.

I have gained a good amount of muscle mass but nothing to crazy.

As for Claire....... she is ok....

Claire has gotten very clingy to me, she waits outside my house on school days and walks with me and my dad to school. On holidays she comes over to my house almost every time. And honestly it is getting kinda worrying.

She is insistent on me being with her ALWAYS. 

Other than that, middle school was about to begin, I had my list of skills and I had also worked on my level. I also got a little trick to give myself a level boost.

I can basically manipulate my aura's density to be a lot denser and it increases my level by 4.0 which is quite strong.

As for my current level....... it was quite unbelievable that I got this strong in this little time.

I was snapped back to reality by me realizing that I was walking to my new school, Claire was walking with me with her large ass smile on her face. 

"So John, what were you so deep in thought about?" she asked me as I shrugged

"A lot of stuff to be honest" I say was she turned her mouth into a O

"So John, you excited about middle school?" she said with her huge toothy grin

"If I am gonna be honest.... no" I say remembering what happened in UnOrdinary

"Why?" she asks as I look at her and realised that she would probably be hurt by the bullies cause she is a low tier

"Claire........ I am gonna start training you" I said with my usual expressionless face

"Train me?" she asked

"Yea, train you on how to fight" I said

"Why would I need to fight? even if I did I got you to have my back" she asked

"Claire I won't always be by you and people aren't the nicest in middle school..." i say as she looks confused

"Nevermind" I say as she looks at me and we walk the rest of the way in silence

As soon as we entered the gate, I see two kids picking on a boy with blonde hair. I immediately rush towards them and punch one away and before giving the other time to move, punch the other one to.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked the blonde boy as he took my hand and got up

"Y-y-yeah, thanks for the help there" he said as he stood up, he was quite bruised and was bleeding from his arm

"Lemme, heal that for you" I said as I begin healing him with a healing ability I copied

"Wait.... your ability is a healing one? then how did you hit them so hard?" he asked, his voiced laced with confusion and curiosity

"My ability isn't healing but I can heal with it" I say as he looks even more confused

Oh yeah I didn't make a note of all the abilities I kept permanently in my arsenal, the few notable ones that I like using are- healing, scholar, heat wave, water, ice, super jump, Resilience, energy whip,speedster and my favourite fear eyes. I have a lot more than this but I use these the most often

"HEY! what the hell was that for?" asked one of the boy that was picking on Blonde guy

"You were picking on someone, that is all the reason I need"  I said as they were taken aback by  my fear eyes, the ability induces a state of fear in the opponent as long as they are a lower level than you.

"W-W-W-we will get you back later"  said the kid as the kid he was with gave a yeah and ran away to.

"So annoying" I say as I look back at the Blonde boy and continue healing him

As I finished healing his wounds I get up and look at Claire who was just standing there

"Come on Claire, lets head to class, we are already late." I say as she nods

"Wait a minute!" The Blonde dude called out

"What?" I asked as he said

"I need to pay you back! is there anything I can do?" he said as I looked at him and just said

"Just stay out of trouble, that will be enough for me" I say as me and Claire made our way to class

The class seemed pretty normal, everybody had colourful hair, pretty normal

Class begun as usual and the only interesting part that the teacher said was

"At the end of the day all Kids will take a mandatory ability gauge" he said as I got kinda nervous

Should I suppress me aura? I could suppress it to look like I was a high tier instead of, well a god tier

Yeah that is the plan, a level of 5.1 should be enough to intimidate them all without raising to many flags.

The day continued as we made our way through the bring ass classes.

It was finally time for the ability gauge, the even that would segregate the school entirely.

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