Chapter 10

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Timeskip to the end of year party, Maggie and Jason's graduation from middle school

It was a big day, Jason and Maggie were gonna graduate and go to highschool soon, today we celebrate all the third years leaving, it is a big event.

I went  out of the house and didn't see claire there, which was weird, she was always there. I went to her house and rand the doorbell.

Claire's mom opened the door, she knew me as me and Claire were friends, I asked her

"Hey auntie, is Claire here?" I asked as she said

"Ah, Claire is resting right now, she told me to tell you she can't come from the party because she is sick" she said as I nodded

"Oh, oof, well tell her to take care" I say as I leave, well that's sad, Claire won't be able to enjoy the party.

It was 10:30 right now, the party would start at 11.

Maggie and Jason were ready for High school, they both have gotten stronger over this one year, and so have I, I basically kept manipulating my aura in all directions and it made my aura trained, I kept mixing and matching abilities, basically grinding my abilities raw power over this year, trying to push my limit by using more than 6 abilities at once and holding it for as long as I can.

The team got stronger in this year, 

Jason is a 6.1 now, he broke into god tier territory, he can now see 30 seconds into the future. Which was wayy more than what I could do when i copied his ability, his mastery over it is amazing.

Maggie is a 6.5 now, her progress was a little small this year but she did a lot to, she can do a lot more with her magma like harden it at command now, it was good progress.

Claire's level is now 2.9, she has gotten a bit stronger, her martial arts has improved, but still can't say that she would win against the average elite tier, but she could do it depending on the situation.

My level had increased a lot, my ability training was working, pushing the limits of my ability and body, I had gotten my hands on some new abilities to, wind manipulation, telekinesis, power sap and bide, it was literally the same as the move in pokemon, I could absorb damage and make a literal beam from it, a very strong beam.

My level had surpassed 10, I was a 10.9 now, so close to 11. Overall, my progress this year was good.

I reached the turf ground where we have literally only had one turf war, it was a school from the other town over and we destroyed them with just Jason fighting, I reached there and I saw a lot of kids, pink head who I now know the name of, Ginka, was brooding away from everyone else. I let him be.

There were a lot of tables with a lot of food and punch, we didn't have a lot of planned but it was enough, a small tournament with the graduated students then a three way battle between the royals. It was not much but we had just chilling and partying on the menu to.

I look at my phone and see the time as 10:50, the party was going to start in 10 minutes, I was exited for it to start, Maggie and Jason finally arrive.

"Yooooo Kuro, your early here eh" Jason calls out as I smirk and put a arm around his shoulder

"Had to come early, it's your last day in middle school" I say as Jason smirks, pushes me off and messes my hair up

I look at Jason annoyed but we laugh it off

"So, who are you going to make the new royals after we leave?" Maggie asks as i shrug

"I am not sure, there are a lot of students that are strong enough, I am gonna just make a tournament and put the winner as the next queen and Jack" I say as Maggie sighs

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