Chapter 4: Pinned

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Jirou peeked into Bakugou's room. He was asleep, and softly snoring whilst spread out on top of his covers. "Thank god." She whispered. Before she left, she set some energy bars and a water bottle on his nightstand. If he were to wake up he would find it. She took a glance at him. He was grabbing onto a pillow with his arms, and he looked strangely calm. Of course, all day he was acting strange and somewhat close to nice. "Goodnight." She whispered and walked out of the room, closing the door.

*Time skip to next morning because I'm lazy and don't feel like describing it*

"Bakugou?" She knocked on the door. It almost flew open, and she almost fell forwards since she had put her weight to her hand that was on the door. "I'm fine now." She looked up. Bakugou was holding the door open. His clothes were changed and his hair was slightly damp. "Are you sure? If you pass out again that could be bad. Maybe take it a bit easy and lay down for a bit?" Jirou saw that the water bottle was empty and the energy bar was gone. "I said I'm fine. Now move it." He said harshly.

The purple haired girl stepped inside his room and stuck her earphone jack in his face, causing him to step backwards. But a split second later, he scuffed and stepped forward, grabbing her earphone jack where he couldn't be affected by it. "Ow!" She whimpered. He let go. "I'm fine." He took a step forwards, and she took one backwards to get farther away from him. "I said that already." They both repeated the same motion. "And I'm not going to lay down and get some rest." He said in a deadpan voice. He took another step forward. Jirou took one backwards, but hit the end of the blonde's bed. She tumbled backwards and landed spread out on his bed face up. In the process, she had kicked her legs up which hit Bakugou, causing him to fall down on top of her.

*Insert ten second long slow pan of bakugou pinning defenseless jirou on bed with careless whisper slowly getting louder in background*

"Baku-" Jirou started in a shaky voice before she was interrupted by a voice behind them. "Bakugou? Jirou? What the hell?" Jirou turned her head. She couldn't get up, because Bakugou was pinning her hands. She didn't even want to see the males expression.

The person standing at the door was none other than Hanna Sero, who proceeded to whip out his phone. Bakugou lifted up his hands and stood up.

*insert bakugou doing the pimp walk over to sero bc I don't know how to describe it*

"Heh? Why are you here?" Bakugou asked Sero rudely. "I'm back from my parents house. Why are yooouuu pinning Jirou to your bed?" "Sorry to interrupt, but Bakugou has been sick all week and I was taking care of him. When I came to check on him this morning, I tripped and hit him and we both fell onto the bed. Why? What do you think was going on?" "So many questions." Sero muttered. "It looked like Bakugou was about to... Anyway at least half the class will be back by the end of today since tomorrow is Sunday, so don't 'trip' again with your door open." "Don't change the subject!" Jirou exclaimed! "My lips are sealed, no need to thank me. Well, I got to go unpack." Sero and Jirou began to both walk towards the elevators

"Jirou." Bakugou said. She ignored him and continued walking, afraid to see what kind of expression his face was holding. She stopped to catch her breath. *Cough Cough* "Are you sick now?" The blonde asked. The female turned to face him. He placed a hand on her forehead. "There's a thermometer in your room dumbass don't use your hand!" She snapped.

She couldn't quite piece together Bakugou's diction or face, but could she ever? He was aloof as always. She snatched the thermometer from His nightstand and handed it to him. He silently pushed her bangs up to take her temperature. She closed her eyes shut aggressively. *Click* They both looked at Sero. "Ser-" Jirou began to storm towards the black haired male. Bakugou grabbed her wrist. "Your temperature is pretty high. Maybe you need to lie down for a bit.

"I'm fine." She pulled her hand away. "Anyway Sero delete that picture you just took!" "Fine, do whatever you want but if you end up having a fever, it's not my problem." He snarled.




CH4 notes: I'm sorry that his condition changes so often. (it usually happens to me when I have a fever but when i put it on paper it seems a bit extra)

Also sorry nothing juicy happened when he pinned her just wait a few chapters

Also coronavirus doesn't exist here it's just a common cold 

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