Chapter 5: Students return

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KNOCK KNOCK! Bakugou opened his dorm door. "What is it?" He groaned. "Hey Bakugou!" Kirishima blurted. "You want to go to the arcade at the mall with some of us?" He looked beyond the red haired male. He saw Jirou among the group.

I really don't want to go out with a big group. But Ears may get worse, so maybe I should. WAIT... Since when do I care about her health? Everyone else is there. Bakugou was having an argument with his inner thoughts.

*Sero, Shoji, Tokoyami, Iida, Mineta, Tsuyu, Ochako, and Jirou are the people in the group*

"C'mon, Dude. They have bowling there, too." Sero said, "You've done nothing but sit at home all week."

"At least I was away from you damn extras!"

"Bakugou," Kirishima pleaded, "just come with us. You'll have fun."

"Fine. But only because I don't want you to beg anymore."

He stepped back in his room to grab an oversized black windbreaker jacket and closed his dorm door.

The Arcade was a couple blocks from the hill the school is one, so the group walked there. Inside were many arcade games and machines, along with a few bowling lanes tucked to the side near the food counter. The group booked a bowling lane and Kirishima, Mineta and Sero went to play arcade games.

"C'mon Kirishima!" Mineta begged, "Please hit the punching bag for me! They have a ton of keychains of my waifu for prizes!"

"Fine, but that's not very manly..."

"Sure it's manly! Having a collection of your waifus is the manliest. MMMMMM"

Sero wrapped tape around his mouth.

"But in class before break, Aizawa was having us practice in duos. Since you and Deku were together, did you see how he could move swiftly. That could make him the most powerful in the class." Uraraka said to Iida. "But what exactly does his quirk do, kero." Tsuyu chimed in. Jiru sat uncomfortable in between them, Bakugou noticed as he silently got a soda from a soft drink machine.

He sat down on a bench near the bowling lane across from them, next to tokoyami and shoji. "Do you want to go next?" Uraraka asked him. He nodded and picked up a bowling ball from the ball return. "Get ready to die!" Iida stood up, "Don't cause any damages, Bakugou!" He aggressively rolled the ball. It looked like it was going in the center, but at the last second it drifted to the side. It hit 8 pins. Jirou snickered a bit.

Next it was Jirou's turn. She took a step backwards and swiftly rolled the ball. It hit directly in the center, knocking down all ten of the pins. "You want to do some arcade games now?" Tsuyu asked. The three girls got up to get some tokens.

Bakuguo sat through a couple more turns of bowling, and students from the group randomly switched turns with one another. Bakugou finally got bored and decided to go back to school. He looked over at jirou. She was crouched over a pinball machine and looking a little pale. He walked up behind her and imitated a karate chop with his hand on her back. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I feel horrible. I want to go home."

"Well it's your lucky day. I'm walking back right now." He said sarcastically.

"Take me with you." She demanded with a deadpan voice. "K." He opened the door right next to the machine and held it open for her.

After walking a block, Jirou's pace began to slow. Bakugou noticed. "You okay?" She didn't answer. He took a step ahead of her. She was red, and was walking like she was taking her very first steps. "Nnnnnnnn..." She grumbled. "Just great." He scowled. He put a hand on her back and one one the back of her knees and picked her up, carrying her like a bride. He decided he didn't like carrying her like that, so she ended up being carried like a koala hanging onto his neck.

They made it back to the dorm. "Does she have a key to her dorm?" He thought out loud. "She had a black backpack before... She must have left that at the arcade." He gave up and decided to bring the sleeping girl to his own dorm.

Bakugu laid her on his bed. She was sweating, so he didn't put her under the covers. "Dammit, what the hell am I supposed to do?" He reached towards her face...





CH5 notes: since the roles are reversed, this part of the fic is mostly going to include Bakugou's thoughts and emotions. Also, I wanted to avoid main characters to keep the focus on the ship, so only a few are in this group. Sorry for the confusion. Also whoops I added an illegal cliffhanger..... 

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