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Jirou opened the classroom door. She accidentally slept in, so she was late to class. Everyone looked at her as she walked in. even Aizawa was there. "You're late." He said as she took a seat at her desk. "I know." A couple of students were missing from their seats. "Well, let's start by continuing our lecture on pro hero laws..."

The class packed up for their next, and Jirou speid Bakugou. She usually wasn't' much of a 'creep', but recently that kind of changed. The oher classes moved quickly through the halls, so there were no breaks for talking. Jirou hadn't been paying attention, so she was packing up while most of the class had already left to get to Present Mic's class. Jirou kind of got separated from her class, as a wave of third ear sudens barrelled into 1-a's classroom. As she walked, she bumped into someone's shoulder. She fell down. "Sorr-" "Whatever." the whisked their shoulder and continued walking. The more she walked, the slower her pace went. The hallways were almost empty when she got to the English class on the other side of school. Her eyelids sagged and she placed a hand on a wall to sead herself. She looked over. "Bakugou?" She made eyeconnect right before feeling her body weight fall.


"Where am I?" Jirou looked around. She was in her dorm. Was she just dreaming about sleeping in? She tossed her blankets off herself because she was feeling hot. Did her fever come back? She sat up and put her feet on the floor. A flat item crinkled under her foot. She bent down. It was a note.

"You have a fever. Don't come back to class. -B"

That should be from Bakugou. After all, when she fainted it was Bakugou who was next to her. Come to think of it, he was standing right outside the door. Was the blonde waiting for her?

On another hand, getting a fever again isn't natural. Were the other students out because of a fever as well?

Her door opened. "Momo?" Her best friend walked in. She was wearing a paper mask. "What happened?" Momo's face was serious. "Lots of our class has gotten sick. The teachers studied the DNA and suspect it's the work of someone's quirk."


Meanwhile, Bakugou began feeling hot. The school day had ended early due to all the students that were sick. They were all told to isolate in their dorms, so here he was. His symptoms felt exactly the same as before. He extended his arm to his bedside table and felt for his cell phone. When he found it, he packed it up and held it in front of his face. He turned it on, unlocked it and scrolled through his contacts. He found one labeled 'Mr Aizawa' and opened a text message. He typed something up with little effort. Then he pressed send, and let his head down on his bed.


Mr Aizawa and other pro heroes were discussing this mini epidemic. Aizawa looked down at his phone. "I think I may have a lead on this mystery virus."


It had been a day. Lunch and dinner were brought right outside each dorm room's door, and communication was completely cut off. How long would this last? When would she get a chance to speak to Bakugou? These were all things Jirou was thinking. She decided to try and break the tension by calling him. That wouldn't hurt, right? But as soon as she picked up her phone, a group text from Aizawa to the entirety of class 1-a went off. They were all to report to their classroom immediately, sick or not. Jirou stood up. She was feeling a bit better, so she followed her teacher's direction. She ignored her uniform that was spread out over her drumset and left for the classroom.

She entered the classroom, along with Momo, who she chatted with on the way there. The two of them were right on time. Aizawa stood at the front of the classroom, which was surprising since his sleeping bag sat empty near the door. They sat down as the last couple of students entered. "Those who are sick," He started, "Are you feeling better?" He looked around the class and saw a couple of nods. "Good. We found out the cause of this 'mini pandemic'. It was the league of villains." a few students gasped. Mina raised her hand. "How did the league of villains do this?"

"Did they infiltrate the school?" Kirishima asked. Aizawa took a deep breath, preparing to explain in one short lecture.

"So you may or may not know one of the third year students. I won't say their name for private reasons. Anyway their quirk is plague. They can give people artificial illnesses and the person they are around or were around the most gets it too. This is only if they allow it to. They were brainwashed by one of the new members of the league, who has now been arrested. This illness just happens to be almost identical to a type of common cold." Everyone's faces displayed different emotions. "Well, class is over for today. You all will come back tomorrow. And in uniforms." only Iida was wearing the class uniform. He nodded aggressively.


Jirou did it. She texted Bakugou. She was finally reaching out to him. The text was pretty simple. infact , it was something along the lines of 'I'm bored wanna hang out in my room.' The text she received back was 'k coming.' She smashed her face in her pillows and kicked her legs. She was super nervous. Yeah, the girl got flustered often when it came to her musical instruments and boys, but She-

Knock Knock

She opened up the door and let him in. Bakugou sat on her bed. "So," She started, "Can you believe it that you were originally sick because of that third year? I think I got the virus a second time by bumping shoulders with them in the hallway."

"I guess so. And you took care of me so I spread it to you."





"Hey." Bakugou said. "We kind of confessed our feelings to each other a couple days ago." Jirou looked down at her feet. "Yeah...."

"Would you... maybe want to be my girlfriend?" Jiru felt a bit more comfortable now that he was acting shy. "Okay." She sat on the bed next to him. "So..." He pulled her towards her, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.





I'm so sorry I couldn't post this yesterday, I was having trouble logging into my google account since I write on google docs. Anyway, I'll post a short bonus chapter soon. Thanks for reading!

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